Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
  Education: Motor control and learning in physical education and sport
Topic Sub-topic
1. Bases, characteristic and structure of the learning and motor control in the Physical Education 1.1. Motor behaviour: bases, characteristic, structure of the learning. 1.2. Evolution of the fields of study of the learning and motor control. 1.3. Theoretical perspectives of the motor learning.
2. The driving practice how element of learning in the Physical Education. 2.1. Types of practice. 2.2. Distribution of the practical. 2.3. Transfer in practice. 2.4. Variability in practice.
3. Motor control within the scope of the physical activity and the sport. 3.1. Theoretical bases of the motor control. 3.2. Physiology of the motor control. 3.3. Receiving and movement.
4. Processes of acquisition of the motor skill. 4.1. Characteristic and structure of the driving skill. *b. Impede and complexity. 4.2. Stages of acquisition of the driving skill. 4.3. Attention and motor learning. 4.4. Driving memory, encryption and oblivion. 4.5. Transfer.
5. Mechanisms and evaluation in the motor learning. 5.1. Behavioural models engine. 5.2. The information in the motor learning (FB). 5.3. Perception. 5.4. Decision. 5.5. Exception. 5.6. Evaluation of the motor learning
6. Avaliación da aprendizaxe motora. 6.1. Avaliación da Aprendizaxe motora
6. The motor program. 6.1. Structure of the motor programming. 6.2. Motor program and pattern *neuromuscular. 6.3. The motor complexity. 6.4. Types of motor program.
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