Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Aerospace alloys and compound materials
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography Ashby, M.; Shercliff, H.; Cebon, D., Materials. Engieneering, Science, Processing and Design, 3ª, Elsevier, B.H., 2014
Antonio Miravete, director, Materiales Compuestos, I y II, 1ª, Reverté, 2007
Complementary Bibliography Prasad, N.E.; Wanhill, R.J.H., Editors, Aerospace Materials and Material Tecnologies, vo:1,2, 1ª, Springer, 2017
Daniel Gay, Composite Materials, 3ª, CRC Press, 2015
F.C, Campbell, Manufacturing technology for Aerospace Structural Materials, 1ª, Elsevier, 2006
Peter Morgan, Carbon fibers and their composites, 1ª, Taylor &Francis, 2005
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