Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Relaciones Internacionales
Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  International conflict resolution
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography P. Beaumont & J. Holiday (eds.), A Guide to Global Private International La, Bloomsbury, 2022
P. Cortés,, The Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution,, Oxford University Press, 2016
M. Díez de Velasco, Instituciones de Derecho Internacional Público, 18, Tecnos, 2013
F. Ferrari, F. Rosenfeld, J. Fellas,, International Commercial Arbitration. A Comparative Introduction,, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021
ICJ, The International Court of Justice: Handbook,, 2018
A. Kaczorowska-Ireland,, Public International Law,, Roudledge, 2015
J. Merrills, E. De Brabandere,, Merrills’ International Dispute Settlement,, Cambridge University Press, 2022
H. Muir-Watt, L. Bizikova, A. Brandao de Oliveira & D. Fernández-Arroyo (eds.),, Global Private International Law. Adjudication without frontiers,, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Complementary Bibliography G. Cuniberti, Conflicts of Laws. A Comparative Approach, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
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