Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social
Máster Universitario en Profesorado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas. Especialidad: Ciencias Experimentales. Matemáticas y Tecnología
  Guidance and Tutorial Function
Topic Sub-topic
1. Conceptual bases of the disciplinary field. 1.1. Concepts and principles of the Orientation. 1.2. The function *titorial: concept and contents.
2. Legislative bases of the orientation and function *tutorial. 2.1. Of the organic laws to the decree 120/1998 and order of the Department of Education that develops it. 2.2. Other disposals related with the Orientation and the *titoría: organic regulations of the centres, curriculum, evaluation *psicopedagóxica and attention to the diversity.
3. Diagnostic, prevention and intervention in the difficulties of learning and of the attention to the diversity. 3.1. Functions of the diagnostic in the secondary education: preventive and corrective. 3.2. Diagnostic and attention to the diversity. 3.3. The diagnostic in the difficulties of learning.
4. Programs and strategies of intervention stop the attention to the diversity. 4.1. Programs of intervention in the attention to the diversity. 4.1. Main strategies.
5. Measures of attention to the diversity and *adaptacions curricular. 5.1. Measures of attention to the diversity. 5.2. The adaptations of the curriculum.
6. Design and development of the Plan of Action *Titorial. Strategies and technical of orientation in the *tutoría. 6.1. Concept of plan of action *titorial (PAT) stop the secondary education. 6.2. Design, execution and evaluation of #a PAT in the secondary education. 6.3. The activity *orientadora of the teaching staff *titor: strategies and technical.
7. The participation of the families in centres and his orientation. 7.1. The relation families-teaching staff *titor. 7.2. The families in the takes of decisions in the centres of secondary. 7.3. The orientation to the families since it *titoría and the department of orientation of the centres.
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