Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ingeniería Agraria
  Introduction to chemical engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing An examination of all the subject content, with questions on the theoretical concepts.

Results of learning evaluated:
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5
40 A2
Seminars An examination of all the subject content, including several exercises.

Results of learning evaluated:
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5
40 A2
Laboratory practical Students’ evaluation will be based on their attendance, attitude and aptitude in the laboratory, as well as the work of their lab reports.

Results of learning evaluated:
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5
20 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

1) Evaluation system: Continuous Evaluation is the preferred evaluation modality. Those students who wish to avail of Global Evaluation (100% in the end-of-year official exam call) must notify the person responsible for the subject in question, by email (to or through the Moovi platform (within the first month of the starting date of the course subject).

2) End-of-Term Assessment (1st exam call):

2.1) Exam (40% of the overall mark): it is necessary to obtain a minimum (4 out of 10) in the formal exam to be able to pass the exam. Additional conditions may apply, such as achieving a minimum score in specific sections or correctly answering certain questions to proceed to later parts of the exam.

2.2) Laboratory practicals (20% of the overall mark): Attendance of the laboratory practicals with the corresponding completed lab reports is mandatory to pass the subject irrespective of the evaluation system chosen.

2.3) Autonomous problem-solving (40% of the overall mark): the final grade in this section will be the sum of the marks obtained for each one of the exercises that the students have completed.

2.4) The final grade of the subject:

  • For the student to pass the subject (with a minimum of 4.5 out of 10), the final grade will be the sum of the marks for the exam + laboratory practicals + problems-solving exercise done independently outside the classroom (applying the corresponding percentages to calculate the overall mark)
  • For the student who does not pass the subject, the final grade will be that of the exam (out of a total of 10 marks).
  • "Absentee": This will only apply to the student that does not have any mark in any of the methodologies.

3) Formal End-of-Degree exams call: The student that opts for this modality will be evaluated only with the exam (that will represent 100% of the mark). In the case that they do not sit the said examination, or do not pass it, the student will be evaluated in the same way as the rest of the students in the other exam sittings throughout the duration of the course

4) Final Evaluation - Resit of the exam (2nd exam opportunity call): in the resitting of the exam, the student will be able to choose between keeping the marks that correspond to the marks obtained from the "autonomous problem-solving" exercises and the "Laboratory practicals", or not keeping any of them.Otherwise, the course of action by default will be to keep the marks from the first sitting of the exam.

5) Communication with the students: Communication with the students (grades, formal exam announcements, etc.) will be done through the platform Moovi.

6) Exams: the formal exam call dates are:

  • End-of-Degree Exam call: 25 September 2024, 16:00.
  • End-of-term Exam call (1st exam call): 3 June 2025, 16:00.
  • Resit Exam call (2nd exam call: 10 July 2025, 16:00.

The exam dates are the approved by the Faculty of Sciences. In case of error in the transcription of the dates, those officially approved and published on the Science Faculty website and the News Bulletin Board will be the accepted valid dates.

7) Ethical Commitment: Students are expected to behave in a suitable ethical manner. In the case that incorrect malpractice is detected, for example, copying, plagiarism, the use of any unauthorized electronic device on purpose (usually only the use of calculators is permitted), the student implicated will not have satisfied the suitable requirements to pass the subject and their global mark will be of 0.0. This is in compliance with Royal Decree 1791/2010, of 30 December, which includes the Statute of the University Student, article 13.2. The aforementioned statute states, regarding the duties of university students, that they: "Abstain from the use of or cooperation in fraudulent procedures in the evaluation tests, in the work that the students do or in official documents of the university".

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