Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Comercio
Grado en Comercio
  Strategic marketing
   Training and Learning Results
Code Description
B2 CG2. To apply the knowledge acquired in professional practice in the future, developing the conceptual and operative abilities of future business managers in the context of a dynamic global economy undergoing a continuous process of change and innovation.
B3 CG3. To compile, process and interpret social, economic and legal data that will allow one to give an informed opinion on relevant issues in the commercial field.
B4 CG4. To be able to communicate effectively, clearly, concisely and accurately both within the organization and with external agents in national and international contexts.
B5 CG5. To acquire skills for leadership, independent learning, teamwork, motivation and flexibility, as well as for responsible and ethical behavior in order to deal appropriately with all the agents working in the organization and in the professional sphere.
B6 CG6. To be familiar with different economic, legal, social and cultural situations and to acquire a global, multicultural perspective with the aim of guiding the strategies and operations targeting both national and international markets.
C7 CE7. To be familiar with the interrelation between strategic marketing and strategic management from the perspective of a market-oriented perspective, as well as the relationships between organizations and their milieus with the aim of designing, with the help of marketing concepts and tools, goals and strategies that will be deployed in a comprehensive marketing plan.
C14 CE14. To understand and be able to analyze the socioeconomic role of entrepreneurs and professional managers, and to be able to draw up a business plan.
C24 CE24. To use the computer tools and the statistics, accounting, financial and marketing concepts and techniques for the production and interpretation of reports and for comprehensive planning and management: functions of the supply chain and delivery to the customer, commercial risk management, financial and accounting management, among others, through use of tools like web technologies, database management, electronic transmission of data, electronic commerce, CRM and integrated systems.
C26 CE26. To be able to use the personal skills, attitudes and knowledge acquired in the academic context through simulation of real situations of professional practice and through contact with the business world by means of the experience acquired with internships.
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