Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Technics in cellular and molecular biology
Subject Guide
Subject Technics in cellular and molecular biology Code V02G031V01310
Study programme
Grado en Biología
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 3rd 2nd
Teaching language

de Carlos Villamarín, Alejandro Leonides
de Carlos Villamarín, Alejandro Leonides
Galindo Dasilva, Juan
Magadán Mompo, Susana
Miguel Villegas, Encarnación de
Morán Martínez, María Paloma
Simón Vázquez, Rosana
General description This is an eminently practical subject whose mission is the acquisition of experience in the use of advanced molecular, cellular and histological techniques. It is intended to show the possibilities of such techniques and to complete and extend the knowledge acquired by students in the basic laboratory techniques of the first year of the degree and in the laboratory practices of the second year of the degree. For this purpose, different experimental protocols will be performed in the laboratory, which are considered as advanced because of their technical and conceptual level. The different techniques will be grouped in modules according to their relation with different areas of Biology. The teaching method is mainly based on laboratory work, but also incorporates complementary readings and tools to achieve an integration of the knowledge of the different areas and to be able to apply them to the resolution of an experimental problem from different technical points of view. The schedules of the course and exam dates can be consulted in the official links of the faculty's web page.

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