Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Physics: Physics of biological processes
Topic Sub-topic
0. Review topics 0.1 Introduction
0.2 Magnitudes
0.3 Units
0.4 Conversions
1. Biomechanics 1.1 Principles of the movement
1.2 Types of movement
1.3 Balance
1.4 Forces and moments
2. Laws of Thermodinamics 2.1 Heat and temperature
2.2 Principles of Thermodinamics
2.3 Heat transmission
3. Fluids 3.1 Fluid Statics
3.2 Surface phenomena
3.3 Fluid Dynamics
3.4 Movement of bodies inside a fluid
4. Waves 4.1 Wave properties
4.2 Sound Waves
4.3 Electromagnetic waves
5. Optics 5.1 Optics principles
5.2 Geometric Optics
5.3 Lenses
6. Radiation and radioactivity 6.1 Nucleus and particles
6.2 Natural Radioactivity
6.3 Radioactivity applications
7. Astrobiology 7.1 The bases of life in the Universe
7.2 The search for life in the Solar System and in exoplanets
Program of laboratory practices Theory of errors and their evaluation (previous knowledge)
1. Length and area measurements
2. Density measurements of solids and liquids
3. Viscosity measurements in a liquid
4. Surface tension measurements in a liquid
5. Specific heat measurements by the method of mixtures
6. Springs
7. Lenses
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