Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Finance and Tax Law II: Tax Management and Taxation System

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Electronic Tax Administration/P07G095V01407

Other comments
The subject refers the a branch of the Right Public, pole that the knowledge of the public institutions and of the juridical regime-applicable official *constitue an indispensable base stop the understanding of the procedures tributaries in front of the Administration and the normative competitions and of *cesión of faculties to the distinct levels of government. The knowledge of the institutions of the Right @Financeiro, of the his system of sources, the rules of interpretation and application of the tributes and the essential elements that compose the tribute form part of the presupposed stop the *entendemento, understanding and application of the subject. Of the even way, in the current reality no can ignore that many of the procedures of application of the tributes develop through electronic and telematic means, pole that the complete *entendemento of the subject will complete with the *asignatura electronic Administration.
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