Educational guide 2023_24
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Final Year Dissertation
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work Report of the TFG advisor 25 B1
Presentation Report of the committee of the TFG
Evaluation of the presentation and defense
75 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

At least one committee will be appointed,consisting of three lecturers for each of the following areas: MAT (Mathematics), MEC (Mechanics), ELE (Electricity, Electrotechnics and Automatic), QUI (Chemical and Environmental Technology), TEL (Telecommunications), OI (Industrial Organization).

The evaluation will be carried out according to the regulations for the completion of the Final Year Project as well as the evaluation rubric, both approved by the Center Board, whose updated contents are shown on the CUD-ENM website, in the section dedicated to theTFG (Studies Section -> Mechanical Engineering Degree ->Student -> Final Year Project).

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are expected to show adequate ethical behaviour, committing to act honestly. Based on article 42.1 of the Regulation on the evaluation, qualification and quality of teaching and the student learning process of the University of Vigo, as well as point 6 of the fifth rule of Order DEF/711/2022, of July 18th, which establishes the requirements for evaluation, progress, and ongoing enrolment in military educational training centres for incorporation into the ranks of the Armed Forces, any violation of academic integrity in the assessment process, as well as the cooperation in it will result in the assignment of a failing grade to the student (zero) for the entire course in the corresponding assessment opportunity, regardless of the percentage of importance that the test in question had in the overall continuous assessment and independently of other disciplinary actions that maybe applied.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000