Guia docente 2023_24
Centro Universitario de la Defensa de la Escuela Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Fluid machines
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing The theoretical contents will be evaluated through 2 intermediate controls compulsory (PI1 and PI2) during the course, marked on 10 points. Percentage on the final qualification: (15%PI1, 15%PI2) 30 B3
Laboratory practical The evaluation of the practices will be carried out by means of lab reports (MP) or questionnaires of the activity made in the practices not included in the mentored work, this is, the practical Pr1, Pr3 and Pr4 that they will be able to be individual or in group.
The student will have to deliver these activities when finalising the practice. The format of each memory will be specified in each practice.
The note of each memory of practices will be on 10 points. The note of the Memories of Practices (MP) will be the average of the notes of the practical Pr1, Pr3 and Pr4. It allows the absence to a session of practices remaining this practice excluded of the calculation of the average note. The absence to more than a session of practices prevents that the student can pass the matter by continuous evaluation.
10 C24
Mentored work The students will have to make a work in group on a subject of the matter, that will suppose 20% of the qualification. For his realisation, will have 4 sessions of laboratory and 4 seminars. The work will have to be evaluated so that it guarantee the individual exigibility and the possitive interdependency, this is, all the members of the group have to contribute to the final product and have to know all the parts of the project. All have to show, therefore, deep knowledge of the product delivered, independently of the part in which they had centred their efforts. 20
It will make a final examination that will cover the whole of the contents of the subject, so many theorists like practical, and that it will be able to include ask type test, questions of reasoning, resolution of problems and development of practical cases. It demands reach a minimum qualification of 4 points on 10 possible to be able to surpass the subject. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The final evaluation of the student will be the following, being his note of continuous evaluation

NEC = 0,15 * PI1 + 0,15 * PI2 + 0,1 * MP + 0,2 * TT + 0,40
* PF

To pass the subject
by evaluation continuous demands a note NEC equal or upper to 5 points. However,
there are some requests in any of the sections to guarantee the balance between all the types of competitions. These requests are:

1. The realization and delivery of all the scored previously explained.

2. Obtain an equal or upper
note to 4 points on 10 in the final proof of evaluation continuous

students with NEC inferior to 5 or that do not fulfil any of the two previous
requests have to go to the ordinary examination to be able to surpass the
subject. For those students that do not fulfil the two requests the final
note of evaluation continuous obtains eat: FINAL NEC = min (4, NEC). Indeed,
offers the option to attend to the ordinary examination to all those students who want to improve their results.

Ordinary and extraordinary exams will include at least one question concerning the tasks made during the practical sessions.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are expected to show adequate ethical behaviour, committing to act honestly. Based on article 42.1 of the Regulation on the evaluation, qualification and quality of teaching and the student learning process of the University of Vigo, as well as point 6 of the fifth rule of Order
DEF/711/2022, of July 18th, which establishes the requirements for
evaluation, progress, and ongoing enrolment in military educational
training centres for incorporation into the ranks of the Armed Forces, 
violation of academic integrity in the assessment process, as well as
the cooperation in it will result in the assignment of a failing grade
to the student (zero) for the entire course in the corresponding
assessment opportunity, 
regardless of the percentage of importance
that the test in question had in the overall continuous assessment and
independently of other disciplinary actions that may be applied.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000