Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Bellas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
  Artistic expression: Material-Colour
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing It Will value the assistance and the participation in the sessions. 20 C1
Mentored work It Will value to *dedicación and the level of implication in each work, as well as the capacity of *aportar creative solutions. In addition to valuing capacities of adaptation of the resulted final to the initial formulation proposal, will appreciate the skills purchased in the handle formal and conceptual of the material and technical experimentation. 50 C2
Presentation It consists in the oral presentation of the work of classroom realized. They Will value the capacities of oral expression and of transmission of the proposal. The previous preparation by part of the student stop each exhibition is essential. 30 C2
Other comments on the Evaluation
<*link *href=&*quot;%22*file:///*C:%5CDOCUME%7And1%5CTITUWOOL%7And1%5CCONFIG%7And1%5CT*emp%5*Cmsohtml1%5*C01%5*Cclip_*filelist.*xml%22&*quot; *rel=&*quot;&*quot; *file-*list&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot;><*style> <*table *width=&*quot;&*quot; *border=&*quot;1&*quot; *cellspacing=&*quot;0&*quot; *cellpadding=&*quot;0&*quot; *msonormaltable&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot; 0&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot; 1&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot; 600&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot;><*tbody><*tr><*td *valign=&*quot;&*quot; *top&*quot;&*quot;=&*quot;&*quot;><*p>The systematic assistance, the implication and the participation in kind are indispensable factors stop the achievement of the objective of the subject. The activity of *docencia/learning centers mainly in the resolution of works and exercises in the classroom, pole that the punctual assistance and participation in kind are indispensable factors to surpass the subject. In consequence, and with the methodology quoted, establishes a system of evaluation *contínua by the that each student will be able to know his situation in the acquisition of the objective in regard to each work developed and presented.&*nbsp;<*p>In the case of not surpassing the subject in the normal term that marks the common announcement, the extraordinary proof will consist, generally, in the repetition of the exercises or, in other cases, in a senior development of the exercises related with the competitions that were not achieved in the his minimum level demanded.<*p>Dates of extraordinary announcements:<*p>#*gl/*docencia/examinations/
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