Guia docente 2022_23
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
  Materials engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing The assessment will be completed with two written exams of short questions, tests or exercises. The purpose is to assess the level of knowledge achieved along the course. One of the tests will be done during the teaching period (20%) and the other in the date established by the school 70 B3
Laboratory practical The laboratory activities will be assessed through the students attendance and participation, preparation of reports and a final test at the end of the teaching period 15 D5
Mentored work It will be assessed by the handed reports and/or the exhibition in the classroom of the prepared project.
15 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation


The continuous assessment will be followed during the teaching period of the subject according to the criteria established in the previous section. In the final exam, a minimum mark of 2 out of 5 is required in the own written exam to pass the subject. The mark will be the sum of the mark achieved in the final exam plus the mark achieved in the continuous assessment. 

In case this minimum mark was not achieved, the whole mark will be that corresponding to the maximum achieved mark, either in the continuous assessment or in the final exam. 

Students have the right to renounce to the continuous assessment system. This option must be formally asked. In this situation, the final exam will include the totality of the contents of the subject, and its qualification is 100%. The date of the exam will be fixed by the school and can be checked at 

SECOND ATTEMPT (exam in July):

The qualification obtained from the continuous assessment will be kept, unless the student request to be cancelled in due course. In this situation, the totality of the contents of the subject (those given in the classroom and in the laboratory) will be included in this final exam and the student could achieved 100% of the qualification (the minimum mark to pass the exam will be 5 out of 10). 

The date of the exam will be fixed by the school and can be checked at

EXTRAORDINARY CALL: the exam (questions, tests and/or exercises) will include the totality of the contents and the qualification will be 100%. 

Ethical commitment: student is expected to show an ethical behaviour. In the case a non ethical behaviour is detected (copy, plagiarism, use of forbidden electronic devices, or others), the student will failed with a qualification of 0%.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000