Guia docente 2022_23
Facultad de Comercio
Máster Universitario en Comercio Internacional - No Presencial
  New ICTs in E-commerce
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning Students will carry out the realization of a project by carrying out a series of proposed evaluable works and activities. Each of these works and activities will be evaluated by the students, usually in work teams . 90 A5
Objective questions exam Written test where you should answer short questions and / or test type, with single or multiple choices. They will cover all the contents of the subject. 10 A5
Other comments on the Evaluation

The above assessment is valid for students who follow continuous assessment. The conditions to be evaluated by continuous assessment are:

  • For students in face-to-face mode: they must attend a minimum of 75% of the classroom hours.
  • For online students: they must use the e-learning platform sufficiently assiduously (typically at least every 2 days) to be aware of the progress of the subject, as well as the appropriate and regular participation in online activities.

Those who do not meet these requirements will be considered not to follow the continuous assessment modality. Therefore they will be assessed by the modality for students that don't follow the continuous assessment modality (see below).

Alternatively, a student who, despite complying with these conditions, does not want to be evaluated by continuous assessment may explicitly renounce in writing to the professor, before the 3rd week of teaching. Or, if during the course, he / she will documentary and sufficiently proof of an incidental cause that objectively prevents him from following the continuous assessment. Otherwise, any student who fulfills the described conditions will be assessed by continuous assessment.

In general, for the face-to-face or virtual students, evaluated by continuous assessment, who have fulfilled all the indicated requirements to eventually pass the subject by this way, the final grade N of the student will be obtained as:

N = 0.9 * A + 0.1 * B


  • A the result of the weighted average (depending on the estimated workload) of the grades obtained in each activity or evaluable item of the section "problem-based learning".
  • And B the note obtained in the section of Short answer tests

Both A and B will score between 0 and 10.

It shall be understood that the student passed if the final mark N is greater than or equal to 5 over 10.

It is also an essential requirement to be able to pass by continuous assessment to perform and deliver, within the deadlines set for each modality, all activities or items evaluable in part A and obtain a score equal to or greater than 4 out of 10 in each and every one of them (generally each module of the subject will consist of one or more evaluable items). Otherwise the subject will be automatically considered as not passed. There may be compulsory delivery activities but that will only be assessed as pass/ not pass, in which case it will be required to be delivered and evaluated as pass, but will not be considered for the calculation of the above-mentioned average A.

For students who follow the continuous assessment but who have not met some of the essential requirements described above to pass the subject in its corresponding modality (delivery of all activities or items evaluable within the deadlines, obtaining the minimum grade in all activities or evaluable items, having a final grade> = 5), the final grade N can never exceed 4.9 out of 10. Therefore, it will be calculated as:

N=minimum(0,9*A+0,1*B  ; 4,9)

That is, as indicated in the formula, the final grade N will be the minimum of the values ​​of (0.9 * A + 0.1 * B) and 4.9.

Students who do not follow the continuous assessment modality, as well as those who submit to the July exams or other extraordinary calls that may be established, will have to make and deliver, before the date of the exam, all the activities or evaluable items of the section of Problem-based learning that will be proposed in the subject. And take the Objective questions exam indicated in the Assesment section. In this case, the final grade will be: 

N=0,65*A + 0,35 *B 

being "A" the grade obtained in the activities of the section of Problem-based learning ; and "B" the grade obtained in the  Objective questions exam.

In any case, it is strongly recommended for the student to inform the teacher about his/her intention to follow this modality, to receive the pertinent advices.


Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000