Educational guide 2022_23
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Biomédica
  Sistemas de diagnóstico e terapia
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Exam that evaluate the knowledge that include enclosed questions with different alternative of answer (true/false, multiple election, pairing of elements, etc.) The students select an answer between a number limited of possibilities. 25 A3
Problem and/or exercise solving Test/exams in which the student has to solve a series of problems and/or exercises in a time/condition established by the lecturers. Of this way, the students has to apply the acquired knowledge. 25 A3
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Preparation of a report by part of the student in that they reflect the characteristics of the work carried out. The students have to describe the tasks and procedures developed, show the results obtained and/or observations made, as well as the analysis and treatment of data. 30 A3
Presentation Presentation by part of a group of students of a subject on contents of the subject or of the results of a work, exercise, project, etc. Can make of individual way or in group. 10
Systematic observation Attentive perception, rational, scheduled and systematic to describe and register the demonstrations of the behaviour of the students. It is possible to value learnings and actions, and as they carry out valuing the order, precision, the skill, efficiency, the active participation, etc. 10 A3
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous assessment

Following the guidelines of the degree and the agreements of the academic committee,

presenting to the students who study this subject a system of continuous evaluation.

The qualifications of the evaluable tasks will be valid only for the academic course in which they are made.

perform Continuous assessment consists of the following four parts:

1.1 Practices (30%), which are divided into:

Development of the practices: realization of the practices of the matter. Missing is only allowed

a session for justified reasons and must be recovered in another shift to the extent of the

time possibilities. Your grade will be pass or fail.

Laboratory practices report (30%).

1.2 Classroom exams (50%), which are roughly divided into:

Objective questions (25%). Questions and exercises (25%).

1.3 Presentation (10%): the results on the work of a topic are completed orally

material concrete.

1.4 Systematic observation (10%). In addition to the aspects mentioned in the

description, the student's participation in carrying out the activities proposed for their

autonomous work and participation in tutorials.

The final grade, which is scored out of a maximum of 10 points, is the sum of the grades for each part.

if the following conditions are met:

Obtain a passing grade in laboratory practices.

Obtain a minimum score of 40% in the practice report, and in the classroom exams.

Make the presentation of the work.

If any of the above requirements is not met, the final grade will be the sum of the grades for each

part, but limited to 40% of the maximum mark (4 points). Students who did not achieve

minimum score of 40% in the evaluation of the practice report and in the exams, or that

have made the presentation in the continuous evaluation will be able to recover them in the tests of the

recovery call maintaining the percentages of the continuous evaluation.

To pass, students must obtain a total score equal to or greater than 50% of the grade.

maximum (5 points).

The tests of objective questions and exercises will be divided into two sessions distributed throughout the

throughout the school period. The first will coincide in the middle of the teaching period and the second

in the final exam.

2. Final exam

Students who do not opt ​​for continuous assessment may take a final exam in which

They will take both parts of the exam (objective questions and exercises) and, in addition, they will have to

make an oral presentation on one of the topics of the subject to choose between two

options, if you have not previously requested the faculty to choose the topic.

To pass you must obtain a minimum of 40% in each part and add a total of at least 5


Continuous assessment students who will have pending to exceed the minimum of some part may

do it in the final exam. If they did not reach the minimum in the practice report, they will have a date

limit to present the proposed improvements until the final exam. It is understood that carrying out the internship is mandatory regardless of the call to which it is applied.


3. About the second call (July)

In this call the evaluation will be as in the final exam. It will be necessary to have passed the practices during the

academic course.

4. Ethical commitment

The student is expected to exhibit appropriate ethical behavior. In the case of detecting unethical behavior

(cheating, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, or others) will be considered that the student does not meet the

requirements necessary to pass the subject. In this case, the overall grade in the current academic year will be

fail (0.0).

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