Guia docente 2022_23
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Máster Universitario en Industria 4.0
  Master's thesis
Subject Guide
Subject Master's thesis Code V04M183V01207
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Industria 4.0
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 1st 2nd
Teaching language
Peláez Lourido, Gustavo Carlos
Alegre Gutiérrez, Enrique
Alfageme González, Norberto
Areal Alonso, Juan José
Barreiro García, Joaquín
Bua Domínguez, José María
Castro Sastre, Mª Ángeles
Cerqueiro Pequeño, Jorge
Comesaña Campos, Alberto
Conde González, Miguel Ángel
Domínguez González, Manuel
Fernández Abia, Ana Isabel
Fernández Llamas, Camino
Fernández Robles, Laura
Fidalgo Fernández, Eduardo
Garrido Campos, Julio
Giganto Fernández, Sara
González Castro, Víctor
González Cespón, José Luis
Graña Escalante, Roberto
Karkkainen , Tatja
Lamilla Curros, Francisco Abelardo
Larsson , Olof Christian
Martínez Martínez, David
Mártínez Pellitero, Susana
Moreno Collado, Ana María
Naderi , Mahdi
Peláez Lourido, Gustavo Carlos
Pereira Domínguez, Alejandro
Pérez García, Hilde
Prada Medrano, Miguel Ángel
Riveiro Fernández, Enrique
Rodríguez Barbosa, Cristian
Rodríguez de Soto, Adolfo
Rodríguez Lera, Francisco Javier
Santos Esterán, David
Soto Campos, Enrique
Suárez Alonso, Ramón Carlos
Tjahjono , Benny Eko
Vidal Vázquez, Ricardo
Villar García, Marcos
General description Elaboration, presentation and defence, after all the credits of the syllabus have been obtained, of an original piece of work made individually, in front of an university board. That work that will have a sufficient entity and will address a problem, development, study, etc. related to the Industry 4.0 paradigm and its facllitating technologies, with a professional approach, and in which the competitions acquired in the courses coalesce.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000