Educational guide 2022_23
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Thermal engineering I
Topic Sub-topic
BLOCK 1 (B1): Gas-vapor mixtures. B1-1. Dry air and atmospheric air. Specific and relative humidity of the air.

B1-2 Dew point temperature. Psychrometric charts.

B1-3 Air conditioning.
BLOCK 2 (B2): Combustion and fuels properties. B2-1. Fuels. Description and characteristics. Boilers and burners.

B2-2 The combustion process. Theoretical and actual combustion.

B2-3 Enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of combustion and heating values.

B2-4 First-law analysis of reacting systems.

B2-5 Second-law analysis of reacting systems.
BLOCK 3 (B3) Power production cycles. B3-1 Gas power cycles I: Otto, Diesel, Stirling and Ericsson ideal cycles. Air standard cycles.

B3-2 Gas power cycles II: Brayton cycle. Actual cycles. Intercooling reheating and regeneration. Ideal jet-propulsion cycles.

B3-3 Vapor and combined power cycles: Rankine cycle. Actual vapor cycles. Reheating and regeneration. Open and closed feedwater heaters.

B3-4 Combined gas-vapor power cycles.
BLOCK 4 (B4) Refrigeration cycles. B4-1 Vapor-compression refrigeration systems: Actual cycles. Refrigerant properties.

B4-2 Heat pumps.

B4-3 Innovative vapor-compression refrigeration systems: Cascade refrigeration systems. Multistage compression refrigeration systems. Multipurpose refrigeration systems with a single compressor.

B4-4 Gas refrigeration cycles.

B4-5 Absorption refrigeration systems.
Practices of laboratory PL 1. Introduction to thermal comfort and indoor air quality.
The aim of this practice is to determine the air humidity in different indoor stays of buildings and in the outside. Besides, the concept of thermal comfort and indoor air quality are introduced, features that are related with the health and the welfare of the users of buildings. Equipment of measurement employed: hygrometers, sensors of temperature, measurers of quality of indoor air, etc.

PL 2. Visit to the boiler room of the students residence.
The students will make a technical visit to the boiler room in Francisco Moreno residence, that consists of two boilers of natural gas and provides domestic hot water (DHW) and heating to the students residence. The aim of the visit is to identify the equipments involved in a heeating system and to make a simplified diagram of the installation. Besides, this practice includes the study of conditions of security and health in a boiler room: identification of risks, measures of emergency, risks prevention, control of the Legionella, etc.

PL 3. Development and presentation of works on social, health and security features related to Thermal Engineering.
In this practice the students have to present the work developed during the first weeks of course. The works are proposed by the lecturers at the beginning of the course and they will be made by groups of 4 or 5 students. The subjects will treat on social, health and industrial security of related to Thermal Engineering. For example: energy efficiency in buildings, energy efficiency in ships, storage and transport of liquid fuels, maritime transport of fuels, thermal solar energy in buildings, renewable energies, cogeneration and trigeneration, etc.

PL 4. Analysis of thermodynamic cycles with computer software.
This practice consists of learning to use a computer tools for the simulation of power and refrigeration cycles (CYCLEPAD). The practice is oriented to the resolution of problems of cycles (ideal and real) used in the more usual thermal machines.

PL 5. Quantitative analysis of Stirling cycle.
By means of an experimental Stirling engine, the studdents will analyse different variables that affect the operation of the engine, the developed cycle, and its performance. Also, they will study the operation of the engine in reverse cycle like thermal cooling machine.

PL 6. Experimental study of a heat pump
In this practice the students will study the operation of an experimental installation of a heat pump. They will make energy balances in each one of its components to determine the coefficient of operation (COP), working as heating machine and cooling machine. Likewise, they will study its behaviour working as water - water heatpump and air - water heatpump.

PL 7. Introduction to the design of solar refrigeration installations.
It is a theoretical and demo practice on installations of production of cold by means of thermal solar energy. It pretends that the students know an efficient alternative to the use of conventional equipmente, whose refrigerants are highly hurtful for the environment.
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