Educational guide 2022_23
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Graphic engineering
Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1. Introduction to graphics in engineering. 1.1. Types of graphics in engineering. Fields of application. Graphics for the design, the visualization and the communication. The graphic language.
1.2. Graphic systems. Types and structure of the graphic files. Information management. Hierarchies. Layers.
1.3. Models. Geometrical model. Information associativity.
1.4. Graphic constructions used in engineering.
1.5. Diagrams and nomograms.

Chapter 2. Mechanical design and use of transmission elements. 2.1 Definition and representation of axles and shafts.
2.2 Definition and representation of gears and cogwheels. Standard representation.
2.3 Definition and representation of bearings and plugs. Standard representation.
2.4 Definition and representation of sealing elements.
Chapter 3. Structural design. 3.1 Study of joints. Typology. Elementary functions. Joining methods.
3.2 Threaded joints. Threads. Joint elements. Design criteria. Representation of threaded joints.
3.3 Permanent joints. Welding. Rivets. Representation of permanent joints.
Chapter 4. Management of the variability; functional impact of tolerances. Analysis and synthesis of tolerances. 4.1 Variability associated to engineering problems.
4.2 Macro- and micro-geometrical variability.
4.3 Size tolerances and fits. Specification.
4.4 References and reference systems.
4.5 Statistical tolerances. Cost functions for tolerances.
4.6 Analysis and synthesis of tolerances.
4.7 Combination of tolerances; consequences of the tolerance cummulation on the operation of mechanisms.

Chapter 5. Geometrical product specifications. 5.1 The geometrical specification concept according to ISO.
5.2 Chains of standards.
5.3 GPS standards matrices.
Chapter 6. Fundamentals of computer graphics. 6.1 Basic geometrical transformations.
6.2 Grafication of lines: basic algorithms.
6.3 Surface modeling: implicit, parametric, poligonal.
6.4 Solid modeling: representation schemes & methods.
Chapter 7. CAD/CAE/CAM systems. Systems for data acquisition from actual geometries. Rapid prototyping. 7.1. Systems CAx (Computer Aided Technologies).
7.2. CAD/CAM tools.
7.3. CAE tools in the context of Design Engineering.
7.4. Virtual reality: characteristics and devices. Applications in the Engineering field.
7.5. Digitalization of forms. Reverse engineering projects.
7.6. Rapid prototyping systems.

Chapter 8. Introduction to industrial design. 8.1 Design. Types. Industrial Design (product, communication and corporate image).
8.2 Design methodologies.
8.3 Stages in the design process.
8.4 Creativity in the design process.
8.5 Assessment of design alternatives.
8.6 DfX (Design for X).
Chapter 9. Introduction to ship design.
9.1 Ship classification.
9.2 Introduction to ship representation techniques.
9.3 Main ship dimensions and characteristics.
9.4 Ship form dimensionless coefficients.
9.5 Structural and constructive elements.
Chapter 10. Ship hull representation. 10.1 Ship construction project. Documentation and plans to develop.
10.2 Hull form and lines drawing.
10.3 Sectional area curve and midship section.
10.4 Draft marks.
10.5 Representation and dimensioning of the ship structure and sections.
10.6 General and detailed plans of the ship structure. Midship frame, shell expansion, typical sections, decks and blocks.
10.7 General layout of the ship. Contours, spaces, tanks, etc...
10.8 Machinery and facility plans.
Practical sessions 1,2 & 3. Solid modeling and assemblies. In the first laboratory sessions, the student will learn to generate three-dimensional elements using regular modeling tools.
Practical session 4. Preparation of technical documentation (plans, projects,...). The main objective of this practical session is for the student to learn to use the tools for the production of technical documentation obtained from the models and assemblies made previously.
Practical session 5. Reverse engineering. The key objective of this practical session is for the student to carry out a three-dimensional reconstruction of an object from photographs. The software can be chosen by the student, suggesting the possibility of using: Meshroom, Eyescloud, ReCap Pro and Agisoft Photoscan (or Metashape). The reconstruction will be made from several photographs, since if a single photograph is used, a faithful reconstruction will not be achieved, but an approximation.

Practical sessions 6 & 7. Design and modeling of a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The main objective of these practical sessions is to design and develop PPE in operator positions (protective masks, goggles, helmets, ear muffs, etc.) for the prevention and protection against occupational accidents and damage to health. The student must generate the 3D model of the assembled set and its drawings.
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