Guia docente 2021_22
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica
  Methodology for the drafting, presentation and management of technical works
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical Interdisciplinary exercises and problems -as close to real cases as possible- will be solved in groups of students, with lecturer orientation and enforcing active participation by the students. 55 B3
Laboratory practice Making of practical tests and exercises related to the subject's contents, in the scope of the personalised attention to students. 20 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving Groups of short answer questions related to the subject's contents, to check that the students have understood and assimilated the theoretical and practical contents. 25 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

In the face of the uncertain and unforeseeable evolution of the health
alert caused by COVID-19, University of Vigo has established an
exception planning that will be activated at the time the government
offices and the own University mandate it. Such decision will be made
based on safety, health and responsibility criteria, always guaranteeing
the continuity of the teaching processes in a partial or full
non-classroom scenario. Those already-planned steps will guarantee, at
the moment it is required, the development of the teaching processes in a
more streamlined and effective way as both the students and the
lecturers will know about them beforehand (or with a broad
anticipation), by means of the DOCNET standard institutional tool.

According to the instructions provided by the Vice-Rectorate for
Learning Organization and Teaching Staff, the following three scenarios
are required to be taken into account with their corresponding
contingency level:

SCENARIO 1. Full-classroom modality.

All teaching activities will be carried out at the classroom, both for
theory and laboratory classes, according to the typical way for the
course in the years before 2020.

SCENARIO 2. Half-classroom modality.

In the case the half-classroom teaching modality is activated by the
University government, such event will involve a reduction in the
capacity of the usual teaching spaces where the full-classroom modality
is developed. Because of that, as a first measure the School will
provide the teaching staff of the course with the information regarding
the new authorized capacities for such teaching spaces so that the
teaching activities can be re-organized for the remaining time of the
term. It must be pointed out that the necessary re-organization to
implement will depend on the specific moment in the term in which this
teaching modality is activated. The following guidelines will be
followed in the re-organization or the teaching activities:

a) Communication. All students in the course will be informed through
the FAITIC teaching portal on the specific conditions for the
development of the teaching and the evaluation activities that remain
until the end of the term.

b) Adaptation of the tutorial and personalized attention to students.
The tutorial sessions may be carried out by means of IT tools (email,
video-call, FAITIC forums, etc.), according to the modality of prior
concertation of the date and time for the session in the lecturers’
virtual offices.

c) Classroom and non-classroom activities. From the teaching activities
that remain until the end of the term, those that could be carried out
by all students in class need to be identified (prioritizing laboratory
activities when possible), and those other that will be carried out
remotely (theory classes are the ones that usually decrease in
effectiveness less in this modality), to the effects of the planning of
its efficient performance.

d) Teaching contents and learning goals. There will be no changes
neither in the contents to be taught nor in the learning goals, as a
consequence of this teaching modality.

e) Teaching schedule. The class timetable and the calendar of the
different activities in the course will be maintained as initially
planned and scheduled.

f) Bibliography or additional materials to facilitate self-learning. The
teaching staff for the course will provide the students with the
necessary learning materials to attend to the specific help needs of the
students with respect to the course, according to the circumstances
that turn out at any particular time, through the FAITIC portal.

With regard to the tools used for the teaching activities in the
non-classroom modality, the CAMPUS REMOTO and FAITIC portals will be of
preferential use, complemented if necessary with other solutions in
order to address specific needs arising along the lecturing period.

SCENARIO 3. Non-classroom modality.

In the case the full non-classroom modality (discontinuation of all
on-class learning and evaluation activities) is activated, the tools
offered by the platforms currently available at University of Vigo
-CAMPUS REMOTO and FAITIC- will be of preferent use. The specific
conditions for the reo-organization to be carried out will depend of the
particular time in the term in which such modality is mobilized. The
following guidelines will be followed in the re-organization of the
teaching activities:

a) Communication. All students in the course will be informed through
the FAITIC teaching portal on the specific conditions for the
development of the teaching and the evaluation activities that remain
until the end of the term.

b) Adaptation and/or modification of the teaching methodologies. Even if
the teaching methodologies for the course were fundamentally conceived
towards the full-classroom modality, the teaching staff considers that
they keep in essence their effectiveness in the non-classroom modality.
That is why it is proposed to keep them as they are, even if special
attention will be payed to their right development and results.
Therefore, no changes will be made to the teaching methodologies
initially defined for the course.

c) Adaptation of the tutorial and personalized attention to students.
The tutorial sessions may be carried out by means of IT tools (email,
video-call, FAITIC forums, etc.), according to the modality of prior
concertation of the date and time for the session in the lecturers’
virtual offices.

d) Teaching contents and learning goals. There will be no changes
neither in the contents to be taught nor in the learning goals, as a
consequence of this teaching modality.

e) Teaching schedule. The class timetable and the calendar of the
different activities in the course will be maintained as initially
planned and scheduled.

f) Evaluation. No changes will be made neither to the evaluation tests,
nor to their corresponding score weights, nor to their set dates.

g) Bibliography or additional materials to facilitate self-learning. The
teaching staff for the course will provide the students with the
necessary learning materials to attend to the specific help needs of the
students with respect to the course, according to the circumstances
that turn out at any particular time, through the FAITIC portal.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000