Educational guide 2021_22
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Electrical installations, surveying and construction
Topic Sub-topic
Bases of the Geotechnologies Sources for Cartographic data. Web resources. Geomatic methodologies how raw data: Surveying, Photogrametry, LiDAR, GNSS. Instrumentation. Generation of Point Clouds. Surfaces and level curves. Industrial surveying, accuracy. Reverse engineering.
Applications of Surveying Activities related with the execution of a work. Survey stakeout. Definition and procedure. Instrumentation. Survey stakeout of points and alignements. Planimetric & altimetric methods for
survey stakeout.
Linear surveying, general considerations. Linear profiles, methods.
Trasversal profiles and transversal sections. Slides. Volumetric
measurements. Earth-moving.
Urbanism and land planning The project. The process of bidding. The construction companies. Planning
and management of a work. Execution and control of Works, agents. Activities related with the execution of a work.
The administrative structure by means of
Geographical Information Systems.
Construcción materials and machinery Introduction of building materials. Materials: Stone, Ceramic, Binder,
Organic, Metallic. Mortar & concrete.
Prefabricated materials. Auxiliary structures.
Systems and Constructive Processes Environmental management. Retain walls. Earth-moving. Drainages and foundations. Beams and pillars. Closings. Installations.
The building and safe energy, constructive solutions.
Electrical power system
The national electrical power system
Components of an electrical power system
Operation of the power system.
Electricity market
Components of electrical installations
Electrical conductors and cables
Switching, control and protection devices
Lighting equipment
Energy meters. Power factor correction
Electrical installation design methodology Installed power loads
Máximum power demand
Cable selection based on ampacity, on voltage drop and short circuit temperature rise
Regulations and standards for electrical installations
National standards for electrical installations: REBT, MIE-RAT, LAT, CTE
Electrical drawings

Electrical symbols
Power drawings
One-line electrical diagrams
Control drawings

Fundamentals of lighting
Photometric magnitudes
Lighting calculations methods
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000