Educational guide 2021_22
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Inglés técnico II
Tema Subtema
UNIT 1. Technical Vocabulary for Engineers
• Increasing knowledge of technical vocabulary and grammar; learning how to use technical vocabulary and grammar accurately and effectively.
• Expressing facts and numbers (mathematical expressions, dates, amounts, internet symbols and abbreviations); saying calculations, results and approximations.
• Describing dimensions and specifications; phrases related to length, width, thickness, etc.
UNIT 2. Professional Presentations UNIT 2
• General guidelines for delivering oral presentations: identifying what makes a professional presentation effective.
• Presenting information in an organized and engaging way.
• Sharing data in charts and graphs: Presenting data; talking about trends and figures; describing and referring to visual aids; describing cause and consequence; cause-effect verbs.
• Structuring a presentation: How to create the perfect introduction, main body paragraphs and conclusion; language for linking the parts, for focusing and emphasizing your point; language for recapping and returning to your point.
• Non-verbal communication. Illustrating the importance of body language and voice power. Ways of emphasizing your message to communicate it clearly and persuasively.
• Presentation language: Using persuasive language in a presentation. Learning useful terminology and expressions that you can apply to professional presentations.
UNIT 3. Professional English in Use and Technical Writing UNIT 3
• Describing processes; verbs for describing stages of a process; time sequencers; active vs passive.
• Describing devices, mechanisms, components, inventions, innovations, positions of assembled components, etc. by its shape, properties, technical function, applications and material; explaining how technology works; verbs and adjectives to describe advantages and disadvantages; material properties vocabulary; machine part vocabulary; relative clauses; prepositions of position; verbs and nouns for describing design problems; cause and effect: "if" clauses.
• Writing and using Email at work: Learning a general organization pattern that works for many types of emails; learning about tone and formality in email writing style; identifying good and bad features: correcting errors; learning useful phrases, terminology and common email expressions for each part of the email.
UNIT 4. Applying for a Job UNIT 4
• Research and Preparation: Identifying the stages in the job application process; researching yourself; identifying your skills and experience; Job advertisement jargon.
• Writing an impressive CV: Considering different models of CV’ s and digital application materials; creating a strong first impression; highlighting your key skills and strengths; highlighting your work experience; phrases for demonstrating your strengths and weaknesses; avoiding common CV mistakes; phrases to give details of your personal characteristics, qualifications, skills, and professional experience; common CV verbs (action verbs); avoiding spelling mistakes, noun-phrases, etc.
• Writing effective cover letters: Identifying features of cover letters; structuring a cover letter; phrases for opening a cover letter; talking about the job you’re applying for; demonstrating skills and experience; matching skills and experience to the job; closing expressions; formal expressions.
• Successful interviews: Preparing for the interview; making a positive first impression; dealing effectively with interview questions; talking about yourself; demonstrating interest and motivation; giving details of your skills and experience; positive adjectives; avoiding common mistakes; providing you have done research.
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