Guia docente 2021_22
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
  Technical Office
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction and presentation of the course. 1.1. Presentation.
1.2. Learning guide for the course.
1.3. Criteria and norms for the development of the course.
1.4. Relevant professional and legal aspects.
2. The Engineering Office. 2.1. Introduction to the Industrial Engineering Office.
2.2. Works of the Engineering Office.
2.3. Infrastructure of an Engineering Office.
2.4. Organisation and management of an Engineering Office.
2.5. Introduction to decision-making tools applied to the Project context.
3. Technical reports and similar works. 3.1. Technical reports.
3.2. Assessments, valuations and budgets.
3.3. Other similar technical works.
3.4. Criteria and norms for the elaboration and presentation of technical works.
4. The Project Methodology. 4.1. Introduction.
4.2. Theories about the Project.
4.3. Methodology of the Project process.
4.4. The phases of an industrial project.
5. The normative and legal frame of the Project. 5.1. The legal regulations and the Project.
5.2. Specific applicable technical norms.
5.3. Standardization, certification, homologation and quality aspects.
5.4. Industrial property: patent rights and transfer of technology.
6. Documents in Industrial Projects. 6.1. Report.
6.2. Plans.
6.3. Specifications.
6.4. Measurements and Budget.
6.5. Specific studies.
7. Methods and techniques for the organisation and management of Projects. 7.1. Organisation, supervision and coordination of Projects.
7.2. Methods and techniques for the management of Projects.
7.3. Techniques for the optimisation of Projects.
7.4. Tools for the computer-assisted management of Projects.
8. Processing of Projects and of another technical documentation. 8.1. Criteria and norms for the processing of Projects.
8.2. Process for the certification of Projects and other technical documents.
8.3. Management of licences, permissions and authorisations before public and private institutions.
8.4. Bidding and contracting of Projects.
9. Engineering Supervision of industrial projects. 9.1. Professionals that take part in the execution of projects.
9.2. Functions and activities of the Engineering or Work Supervision Office.
9.3. Legal frame that regulates the functions and responsibilities of the Engineering Supervision Office.
9.4. Obligations of the Engineering Supervision Office in matters of health and Security at work.
10. Presentation and Oral Defence of Technical Documents. 10.1. Oral presentations.
10.2. Preparation of presentations using electronic means.
10.3. Development of presentations through videoconference means.
Assignment 1. Elaboration of a technical report or similar work. The students, either individually or in teams, will elaborate a technical report -or similar work- on a subject related with the industrial engineering field, starting from the information provided by the lecturer, and taking into account the indications received about the methodology to be used.
Assignment 2. Elaboration of a small project. Organised the students in groups of three or four members, they will elaborate the necessary project documents to propose an efficient solution to a problem or need belonging to the Industrial Engineering field, following formal rigour and technician criteria.
Assignment 3. Development of a basic planning and scheduling proposal for the execution of an industrial project. Each student on his own will elaborate a proposal for the time and resources planning and programming for the process of execution of an industrial project, using the appropriate methods and computer tools, and elaborating the required statistics report for the project.
Assignment 4. Public presentation of the developed work. Final group presentation by each of the work teams on the results of all -or part of- the practical works developed in the course, addressed to the whole of the course student group.
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