Guia docente 2021_22
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
  Elasticity and additional topics in mechanics of materials
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Previous studies The delivery of these exercises will modify the obtained qualification of the continuous assessment (laboratory practices and conceptual tests) as explained in the section of "Other comments and second call" in this guide.
It shall be deemed completed when a previous activity fully answer all questions.
0 D5
Laboratory practical Attendance and active participation in the complete laboratory lessons and practice reports will be assessed.
They will be graded from 0 to 10, provided that the student gets a minimum mark in the
written examination (minimum mark: 4.5/10).

The qualification will be modified by the coefficient introduced in the "Other comments and second call" section in this guide.
5 B4
Problem and/or exercise solving Exam for the assessment of the module learning outcomes. The exam comprises of brief problems and/or theoretical questions.

The duration and precise grading will be communicated at the beginning of the exam.
80 B3
Laboratory practice Short exercises and conceptual tests will be taken during the course (within lecture or laboratory hours; grading from 0 to 10). The mark will be added to the exam mark, provided that the student gets a minimum mark in the written examination (minimum mark: 4.0/10).

The qualification will be modified by the coefficient introduced in the "Other comments and second call" section in this guide.
15 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

In this module the minimum required mark to pass is 5 out of 10.

The written examination of students not able to attend laboratory sessions will be graded 100% of the module mark, provided the student resigns from continuous assessment (and gets the required school approval) within the period established for that purpose. This examination will assess the subject overall competencies.

The qualification obtained in the laboratory practices in any of the two previous years (5% of the qualification) will be preserved in the current year, provided the student requests that within an established period in the beginning of the course.

The qualification obtained in the conceptual tests in any of the two previous years (15% of the qualification) will be preserved in the current year, provided the student requests that within an established period in the beginning of the course.The rating obtained only remain within the language chosen at the time in which
he studied the subject. 

Comments about continuous assessment:

The handing of previous exercises (within the established period for each exercise) will modify the qualification of laboratory practices and follow-up conceptual tests as following explained:

Qualification of laboratory practices = K•(overall practice grade)/(nr of laboratory sessions)

Qualification of conceptual tests = K •(addition of tests’ grades)/(nr of tests)

K = (nr of previous exercises delivered)/(total nr of previous exercises)

Additional comments:

The absence from a laboratory session, even justified, does not lead to the repetition of the session.

The absence from a test, even justified, does not lead to the repetition of the test.

The date and place of of examinations of all calls shall be determined by the center before the start of course
and will make them public .

Ethical commitment: it is expected an adequate ethical behaviour of the student. In case of detecting unethical behaviour
(copying, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices, etc.) shall be deemed that the student does not meet the
requirements for passing the subject. In this case, the overall rating in the current academic year will be Fail (0.0).

The use of any electronic device for the assessment tests is not allowed unless explicitly authorized. The fact of introducing
unauthorized electronic device in the examination room will be considered reason for not passing the subject in the current
academic year and will hold overall rating (0.0).

Group responsible lecturer:

Groups with teaching in Spanish: Marcos García González and Adrián Pérez Riveiro.

Group with teaching in English: Rafael Comesaña and Antonio Riveiro

Reading list for the group in English:


- Hibbeler R.C., Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition, Prentice Hall. 9th. edition

- José Antonio González Taboada , Tensiones y deformaciones en materiales elásticos, 2a Edición, Tórculo.

- José Antonio González Taboada , Fundamentos y problemas de tensiones y deformaciones en materiales elásticos, 1ª Edición, Tórculo.


- Timoshenko, Goodier, Theory of elasticity, 3rd ed., (International student ed.), McGraw-Hill

- Manuel Vázquez , Resistencia de Materiales.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000