Educational guide 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grao en Enxeñaría Biomédica
  Fundamentals of electronics for biomedicine
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The practices of laboratory will evaluate of continuous way (session to session). The criteria of evaluation are:
- A minimum assistance of 80%.
- *Puntualidad.
- Previous preparation of the practices.
- *Aprovechamiento Of the session.
- The practical sessions will realise in groups of two students. The billed of the practices will be the disposal of the students with *antelación.
- The students answered in a group of leaves the results, that will deliver to the ending of the practice. These leaves will serve to justify the assistance and value the *aprovechamiento.
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Essay questions exam It will consist in a proof written of individual and face-to-face character that will realise when finalising the *cuatrimestre, in the schedules established by the direction of the centre.
The proof will be able to consist in a combination of the following types of exercises:
- you Question type test.
- Questions of short answer.
- Problems of analysis.
- Resolution of practical cases.
80 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

To surpass the subject, the student has to obtain 5 points on 10.

The students *podrÃ*n consult any relative doubt to the activities assigned to the group of work to the that belong or the matter seen in the face-to-face hours in the hours of tutorÃ�ace or to *travÃ�*s of the means related in the section of *AtenciÃ�*n to the student. 
The students have to fulfil *inexcusablemente the terms established for the different activities. 
In the different proofs advises to the students that justify all the results that reach.
To the hour to mark them no giveà *ningÃ�*n resulted by *sobreentendido and *tendrà in account the *mÃ�all employed to arrive to the *soluciÃ�*n proposal. 
It recommends , in the *presentaciÃ�*n of the diverse exercises, not presenting faults of *ortografÃ�to and characters or *sÃ�*mbolos unreadable, because affectÃ*n to the *puntuaciÃ�*n final. 
During the *realizaciÃ�*n of the proofs no *podrà use aim and the *telÃ�*fonos *mÃ�vile have toÃ*n be turned off and, only in the case that authorise previously,
*podrÃ*n use aim or another material of support. 
Guidelines for the improvement and the *recuperaciÃ�*n: 
In case that a student do not approve the matter in the first announcement, has of a second announcement in the present course *acadÃ�*mico. 
The *calificaciÃ�*n corresponding final for this second announcement *obtendrà like result to add the following notes: 
1.- The note obtained in the *evaluaciÃ�*n of the *prÃ*cticas of laboratory in the first announcement, with a weight of 20% of the *calificaciÃ�*n final. 
2.- The note obtained in the *evaluaciÃ�*n of the proof written of *carÃ*cter individual and face-to-face. The proof evaluateà contained of all the subject. The weight of this note is of 80% of the *calificaciÃ�*n final. 
To approve the matter in this second announcement is necessary to obtain a *puntuaciÃ�*n equal or upper final to 5 points. 

Once #finish the present course *acadÃ�*mico. The notes obtained in the evaluations of the blocks *temÃ*ticos and the note obtained in the *evaluaciÃ�*n of the final examination lose his validity. 
The notes obtained in the evaluations of *prÃ*cticas *mantendrÃ*n during the two courses *acadÃ�*micos following to the present course, except that the student wish to do them again. 

*EvaluaciÃ�*n Of students with renunciation to the *evaluaciÃ�*n continued: 
The students that was them conceded, of official form by the centre, the renunciation to the *evaluaciÃ�*n continued, *tendrÃ*n that make a proof written similar to the proof *individualizada of long answer and a proof *prÃ*ctica of laboratory.
Both proofs *tendrÃ*n a *puntuaciÃ�*n *mÃ*xima of 10 points. The final note beà the average of the notes of the two proofs.
To surpass the subject *tendrà that obtain an equal or upper note to 5 points. The proof written makeà when finalising the *cuatrimestre, in the schedules established by the *direcciÃ�*n of the centre. The proof *prÃ*ctica in a near date to the previous and that *propondrà in *funciÃ�*n of the availability of the laboratories. 
Commitment �*tico: it expects that the present student a behaviour �*tico suitable. In the case to detect a behaviour no �*tico (copy, plagiarism, *utilizaci�*n of devices *electr�*nicos unauthorised, and others) considerà that the student no *re�*ne the necessary requirements to surpass the matter. In this case the *calificaci�*n global in the present course *acad�*mico beà of suspense (0.0).
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000