Educational guide 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  Automobiles and railways
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam Proof written, theory and problems 60 B3
Essay The work contemplates so much the parts of autonomous work, individual or *grupal, like relative proofs to the development of said works, in concrete: - Assistance with *aprovechamiento to the practices and preparation of reports of the practices made and realisation of the relative proofs to the practical session (laboratory or classroom of computing) - Realisation of activities and descriptive visual questionnaires, and delivery and review of the same 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation
<*div>- The qualification of the continuous evaluation will have a weight of 40% (4 points on 10) in the final note of the matter, and divides in two parts: By a part, the realisation of the activities and practical “*P”, including deliver/test associated, corresponds to 15% (5+5+5) of the final qualification (1,5 points on 10), including the participation in the activities published in *Faitic previously and for the session, and deliver them/test requested. To be able to consider the part *P in the final qualification, owe to make all the activities described. On the other hand, the realisation of questionnaires “*Q” descriptive, according to the instructions given, including the participation in the activities published in *Faitic on the systems of vehicles cars, and, likewise, the realisation and review of the remaining questionnaires “*Q” posed by the other groups, corresponds to 25% (5+5+15) of the final qualification (2,5 points on 10). Inside this percentage includes the realisation of an individual proof of continuous evaluation on said questionnaires *Q, to make the same day that the final examination. The questions will not be necessarily of type test, but also can be of short answer, and no necessarily equal to the developed previously, but of the same typology. To be able to consider the part *Q in the final qualification, have to make all the activities described, included the individual proof of corresponding continuous evaluation. - The students with RENUNCIATION to continuous qualification, HAS TO CONTACT WITH THE *PROFESORADO to indicate that it wishes to make a proof that *supla the no realisation of the activities “*P” and “*Q”, of such way that said part can him describe with a specific proof that will take place in the same date that the final examination. This specific proof will cover the relative contents to the activities and practical “*P” and his deliveries/test associated and to the questionnaires “*Q” descriptive (on a total of 4 points: 1,5+2,5 points). <*p>&*nbsp; - The qualification of the final examination will have a corresponding weight to the remaining 60% (6 points on 10) in the final note of the matter, and will be able to have diverse typologies of activities of evaluation: corresponding Activities to the part of CALCULATION, that will be roughly 75%-85% of the examination (4-5 points on 6, roughly), and corresponding activities to the DESCRIPTIVE part, that will be roughly the remaining 15%-25% of the examination (1-2 points on 6, roughly). To consider said correct activities, the calculations made will have to be clearly justified and will require accuracy in the solution and coherence in the approach. Likewise, the activities will be exercises and/or questions, and these last will not be necessarily of type test, but also can be of brief explanation or short answer. The part of CALCULATION covers all the relative contents to the vehicle and his behaviour. The DESCRIPTIVE part covers no only the contents of systems of vehicles cars (*T1 to *T4) but also the corresponding contents to the subjects *T5 of security, homologation-inspection-reforms, infrastructures,… and *T6 of rail and material vehicles *rodante. <*p>&*nbsp; <*p>&*nbsp; In the final examination demands a minimum punctuation of 2,5 points on 6 so that it can take into account the part of qualification of the continuous evaluation. In case of not to reach said value, the final qualification will be the corresponding only to the examination, without considering the part of continuous evaluation, that will conserve for the second edition. In the case to reach said minimum punctuation in the examination, the final qualification will be the sum of the qualification of the examination (on 6 points) and the qualification of the two parts, “*P” and “*Q”, of the continuous evaluation (on 4 points), being necessary to reach a 5,0 to surpass the matter. <*p>&*nbsp; <*p>&*nbsp; Will employ a system of numerical qualification of 0 to 10 points with a decimal. * Ethical commitment: it expects that the present student a suitable ethical behaviour (is connoisseur of said commitment, so much of the School, as of the published by the University). In the case to detect a no ethical behaviour (copy, plagiarism, utilisation of means, included electronic devices, unauthorised, and others) will consider that the student does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the matter. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense (0,0).
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