Educational guide 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
  Industrial organic chemistry
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical Attitude, participation and quality of the work carried out in the laboratorywill be considered. In addition the student will respond to questions raised in each of the practices, and deliver the required lab reports. 20 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving Partial tests will be carried out, which will include short answer questions and problems, for the evaluation of the skills acquired in relation to the contents of the course. 30 B3
Presentation The quality of the contents of the delivered work will be evaluated, together
with the presentation and the answers to the questions.
20 B3
Objective questions exam There will be a final exam, which will include short questions and
problems, to evaluate the acquisition of the competences of the
30 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Partial tests. During the course there will be a partial eliminatory test, which will include short answer-questions and problems or exercises with a weight in the final grade of 30%

The attendance to laboratory sessions and / or to the partial test will imply a qualification different from Not Presented.

Final exam 1st edition: It will include the contents not evaluated in the partial test, with a relative weight of 30%. Each student can repeat the evaluation of the contents not passed in the partial test.

1st Edition of the qualification record: The final grade will be the sum of those obtained in all the tests carried out (laboratory practices, work presentation and written exams), if they have been passed with a grade equal to higher than 5.0. Otherwise, only the sum of the ratings below 5.0 will be reflected; the passed activities (laboratory and work presentation) will be reserved for the second edition of the qualification record.

2nd Edition of the qualification record: The grade will be calculated by adding the one reflected in the first edition of the qualification record and the one obtained in the extraordinary final exam, only if a mark equal of higher than 5.0 is obtained in the latter. Otherwise, a final qualification of Not passed will be awarded, with a numerical mark equals to that indicated in the first edition of the qualification record.

Ethical commitment:

The student is expected to exhibit adequate ethical behavior. In the case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices, and others) it will be considered that the student does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the course. In this case, the overall grade in the current academic year will be Not passed (0.0). The use of any electronic device during the evaluation tests will not be allowed unless expressly authorized. The fact of introducing an electronic device not authorized in the exam room will be considered a reason for not passing the subject in this academic year and the overall rating will be Not passed (0.0).
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000