Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical Chemistry II: Surfaces and Colloids

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Structural Determination/V11G201V01206
Analytical Chemistry II: Optical Methods of Analysis/V11G201V01207
Inorganic chemistry II/V11G201V01209

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Physics: Physics I/V11G201V01102
Physics: Physics 2/V11G201V01107
Geology: Geology/V11G201V01106
Chemistry: Chemistry Lab II/V11G201V01110
Chemistry: Chemistry 2/V11G201V01109
Physical chemistry I: Chemical thermodynamics/V11G201V01203
Organic chemistry I/V11G201V01205
Other comments
Some contents will be developped and complemented in subjetcs taught in the third and fourth year. For instance "Química Física V: Cinética Química" (3rd year), "Química de Materiales" (4th year) and, the optional subjects "Nanoquímica" and "Materia Condensada" of the 4th year.
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