Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical Chemistry II: Surfaces and Colloids
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving The resolution of one or more exercises by the student and their presentation will be rated. Tests will be rated as well. In both cases on a voluntary basis. The weight in the mark lies between 0-10%. 10 (max) A2
Laboratory practical Laboratory practices are compulsory. They will be rated by the assessment of their experimental development (13%) as well as by that of a written report of each experiment. Such reports have to be elaborated by every student individually, contain tables, figures and the calculations needed for obtaining of the results, as well as an analysis of those results, in relation to the experimental procedure and the theoretical foundations. They must be given to the teacher in charge of the corresponding laboratory group according to the dealine (7%) 20 A2
Objective questions exam Short exam.
It will take place by the middle of the quarter approximately. It consists of questions and problems. If its mark reaches or surpasses 5 on the 10-point scale the corresponding topics can be considered as passed. Its weight depends on the other assessment sections lying between: 0-28%.

Long exam.
It is compulsory and takes place at the end of the quarter. The students who have not passed the short test will have to answer all the proposed exercises. Those who have passed it can still take on the corresponding exercises of the long exam, on a voluntary basis, for improving their mark.
Its weight, which depends on the other sections of the assessment, lies between 45.5%-80%.

The combined mark of the exams has to be at least 4.0 on the 10-point scale for passing the subject.
70-80 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

In the July call students will
have to
take a
long test, which can
represent up to
80% of
the score,
corresponding the
rest to that of the
Laboratory. The marks of the other sections (Problem solving and short test) may be kept if they lead to a higher average.

The combined score of the exams has to be at least 4.0 on the 10-point scale for the student to pass the subject.

Presenting any exercise, performing any practice or test
makes it
impossible for the
qualification to be 'non qualified'.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000