Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Organic chemistry I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Flipped Learning Participation and resolution by the student of all the tasks proposed by the teaching staff in relation to the flipped learning sessions will be evaluated. 10 A1
Problem solving Participation and resolution by the student of all the tasks proposed by the teaching staff in relation to the problem solving sessions will be evaluated. 25 A1
Laboratory practical Assistance to practical classes is mandatory.
In this section of the course, it will be evaluated that students are capable of safely handling chemicals, including the evaluation of any specific risks associated with their laboratory use. This will be assessed as APT or NO APT. The following aspects will be considered: possible previous work, development of the experimental work, laboratory notebook, final work.
0 B2
Problem and/or exercise solving Short test: 20%. It will cover content corresponding to the first two lessons.

Global test: 30%. It will cover all the content of the subject. In this test, student acquisition of competences and skills related to the theoretical aspects of the subject will be evaluated.
50 A1
Essay Students will carry out an assignment related to the laboratory experiments. This work must be adjusted to the parameters specified by the teaching staff. Besides its delivery for evaluation, oral presentation of the final work could be required. 15 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

In order to pass the subject in January, it will be required:

  • Achieve mention APT in the evaluation of the laboratory work.
  • Achieve a minimum mark of 3 points out of 10 in the short test.
  • Achieve a minimum mark of 4 points out of 10 in the global test.

If any of the previous conditions is not fulfilled, the final mark for the subject will be the mark obtained for the exams (problem and/or exercise solving) section multiplied by 0.5 (50%).

  • Achieve a minimum mark of 5.0 in the weighted addition of the marks for all the sections (flipped learning, problem solving, essay, problem and/or exercise solving [exams]).

The final grade for the students who pass the subject could be standardized so that the highest mark can reach a value of up to 10 points.

The participation of the student in any of the acts of evaluation for the subject will involve the condition of presentado/a and, therefore, the assignment of a mark. The acts of evaluation that will be considered are: assistance to laboratory practices (25% or more) or the delivery of reports/exercises (25% or more) or taking any examination.


The exams (problem and/or exercise solving) section can be repeated in July, in the following way:

  • Exams (50%). It will be carried out a global test in which the competences acquired in the theoretical aspects of the subject will be evaluated. The student must achieve a minimum mark of 4 points out of 10 so that the result of this test will be taken into account in the global mark of the subject. This result will substitute the marks obtained for the two theoretical tests carried out during the semester (short test and global test).

The final mark will be the weighted addition of the marks for all the sections (flipped learning, problem solving, essay, problem and/or exercise solving [exams]), as long as all the required minima are reached. If this is not the case, the final mark for the subject will be the mark obtained for the exams (problem and/or exercise solving) section multiplied by 0.5 (50%). In case that this mark was lower than the one obtained in the end of semester evaluation, the official mark will be this last one.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000