Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Organic chemistry I
Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1. Conformational analysis. Stereochemistry Conformational analysis in cyclic compounds. Configurational stereoisomerism.
Lesson 2. Reactivity of organic compounds Acid-base reactivity of organic compounds. Reaction mechanisms: stepwise reactions. Energetic profile of a reaction. Heterolytic bond cleavage. Ionic reactions. Reaction intermediates: carbanions. Redox reactivity of organic compounds. Formal states of oxidation.
Lesson 3. Addition reactions to carbon-carbon multiple bonds Structure and general reactivity of functional groups with carbon-carbon multiple bonds: alkenes and alkynes. Hydrogenation: heats of hydrogenation and stability of alkenes and dienes; homolytic bond cleavage; concerted reactions. Electrophilic addition reactions to alkenes. Addition of HX; reaction intermediates: carbocations; regioselectivity; electrophiles and nucleophiles. Hydration reactions; orientation and stereochemistry. Addition of halogens. Dihydroxylation reactions. Addition reactions to alkynes.
Lesson 4. Aromatic substitution reactions Structure and general reactivity of aromatic compounds. General mechanism for the electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Reactions with non-carbon electrophiles. Reactions with carbon electrophiles. Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions in substituted systems: orientation and reactivity. Modulation of the reactivity of aromatic rings.
Practice 1 Thin layer chromatography. Determination of the appropriate eluent for a separation.
Practice 2 Liquid-liquid extraction. Application to the separation of compounds with different acid-base characteristics.
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