Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Chemistry: Chemistry Lab I
Topic Sub-topic
P1. Safety in the laboratory and recognition of laboratory materials
P2. Preparation of solutions
P3. Liquid-liquid extraction
P4. Separation by liquid-liquid extraction
P5. Distillation of solvents
P6. Separation by crystallization
P7. Separation by thing layer chromatography
P8. Separation by flash chromatography
P9. Synthesis of simple organic compounds
P10. Organic polymers formation
P11. Determination of the content in water of a salt
P12. Identification of the components of a mix
P13. Obtaining of calcic carbonate
P14. Obtaining of a curve of solubility
P15. Obtaining copper(II) oxide
P16. Establishment of a chemical equation
P17. Types of reactions (2)
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