Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Means, Machines and Tools for Manufacturing
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography John G. Nee, Fundamentals of Tool Design, 6ª, SME, 2010
Camarero de la Torre, Julián, Matrices, Moldes y Utillajes, 1ª, CIE Dossat 2000, 2003
J.T. Black, Ronald A. Kohser, Degarmo's materials and processes in manufacturing, 12, Wiley, 2017
Complementary Bibliography Dangel, R., Injection Molds for Beginners, 1ª, HANSER PUBLICATIONS, 2020
Campbell, John, Complete Casting Handbook: Metal Casting Processes, Metallurgy, Techniques and Design, 2ª, Elsevier, 2015
Tickoo, Sham, CATIA V5-6R2014 for designers, 12ª, Schererville, IN : Cadcim Technologies, 2015
Shoemaker, J., Moldflow Design Guide A Resource for Plastics Engineers, 1ª, Hanser, 2006
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