Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Automobile Vehicles
   Contingency plan
The educational methodologies will give , to be necessary, adapting them to the telematic *means that put the disposal of the *profesorado, in addition to the documentation facilitated by **FAITIC and other platforms, email, etc.
In the measure of the possible, will prevail the teaching of the theoretical contents by telematic *means as well as those contents of practices of problems, classroom of computing, and others, that was possible to be **virtualizados, or given in classrooms wider to fulfil with the rule of occupation and **distnaciamento in force, tried **mater to **presencialidade for the practices *experience of laboratory, with groups reduced. In the case of not being able to be given of face-to-face form, those contents in the **virtualizables will give or *suplirán by other (autonomous work **guíado, etc.) that allow to achieve equally to the **competencais associated to them.

The **titorías will develop indistinctly of face-to-face form (whenever it was possible and guarantee the sanitary measures) and *telematic (*email and others) *respecting the schedules of **titorias planned. **Asemade, will do a *adecuación **metodolóxica to the students of risk, **facilitándlle additional specific information, to accredit that it can not have access to the contents given of conventional form.

Additional information on the evaluation: **manteñense those proofs that already come making of telematic *form and, in the measure of the possible, will keep the face-to-face proofs adapting them the normative **santaria valid. The proofs will develop of face-to-face form except Resolution *Rectoral that indicate that they have to do of form no face-to-face, making gave way through the distinct tools put the disposal of the *profesorado. Those no attainable proofs of telematic *form *suplirán by other (deliveries of autonomous work **guíado, etc.)
- Indicate, in this *ultimo case, to be **necesraio, the new weights of the evaluation. If they do not change the weights of evaluation, indicate it:
they keep the criterion of evaluation adapting the realisation of the proofs, in the case to be necessary and by indication in Resolution *Rectoral, to the telematic *means put the disposal of the *profesorado
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000