Guia docente 2020_21
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Degree in Economics
  Health Economics
   Contingency plan
Given the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated when the administrations and the institution itself determine it, considering safety, health and responsibility criteria both in distance and blended learning. These already planned measures guarantee, at the required time, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way, as it is known in advance (or well in advance) by the students and teachers through the standardized tool.

* Teaching methodologies maintained
Use of virtual platform (Faitic) to access teaching material and to carry out and deliver exercises.

* Teaching methodologies modified
The face-to-face classes are replaced by virtual classes through the Remote Campus.

* Non-attendance mechanisms for student attention (tutoring)
The tutoring sessions will be carried out by telematic means: email, Faitic forums or videoconference in the virtual platform.

* Modifications (if applicable) of the contents
The contents of the subject will not be changed.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning
The basic bibliography already includes books with free electronic access.

The evaluation tests, in case they cannot be carried out in person, will be adapted as follows:
- The exams will be done through the exercises or questionnaires online. The students must connect to the Remote Campus with a camera.
- The evaluation of the practical classes and the active participation in class will be done through questionnaires or exercises that will be delivered online, through Faitic, and the participation in the virtual classes.
- The evaluation of the research work will be carried out based on the essay delivered online and its oral presentation through the virtual classroom.
- Students who give up doing continuous assessment will be able to take a final exam on the official date through the Remote Campus (with camera).
- The weights of each of the assessment tests will remain unchanged.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000