Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grao en Turismo
  Economics applied to tourism
   Contingency plan
In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the *COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or partially face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a more agile and effective way when being known in advance (or with a wide *antelación) by the students and the *profesorado through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides.

* educational Methodologies that keep
1) Resolution of problems of autonomous form.

* Educational methodologies that modify

1) Lectures. In case of teaching no face-to-face, this methodology will develop through the Virtual Campus with support of Faitic.
2) introductory Activities. They will happen to develop in remote.
3) Practical with support of the Tics. This methodology will not be able to develop in computer laboratory and will carry out with equipment of the students.

* Mechanism no face-to-face of attention to the students (tutorías).

The tutorías will happen to make by telematic means (email, virtual dispatch, conversation of faitic, etc.) and will be previously concerted by email with the lecturers, to facilitate contact in forecast of problems of conciliation and/or connectivity.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate the learning

The lecturers will put to disposal of the students, through the platform faitic, the bibliography or necessary materials for the reinforcement of the education, in case to happen to a no face-to-face modality. This bibliography will be specific for each unit and epigraph. The general bibliography will be the same that the specified for the face-to-face education.

The quantity and typology of the educational material (audiovisual or writing) will be the necessary to guarantee that the students do not lose any type of content, practical or competency.


The evaluation already has been modified and designed not to have to be modified in a stage of no face to face learning, giving a greater weight to the autonomous work of the students.

The billed of the tasks, as well as the available materials, will be adapted to the new situation of work non face-to-face in remote and will be put to disposal of the students with the sufficient time before the deadline of delivery.

The proofs (exams) will happen to make through the Virtual Campus/Faitic or orally in case of problems of connectivity by part of the students.

* Additional information

In the proofs of evaluation no face-to-face, will make control of assistance, for which will be indispensable the identification of the students (show identity card and activate camera).

In the proofs of evaluation no face-to-face, in case that some/to student/to anticipate or have problems of connection, will enable like alternative of evaluation an oral proof by audio/video (made in the same day of the examination written)
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000