Guia docente 2019_20
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Environmental chemistry
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Seminars The aim that pursues in the seminars is to settle the knowledges and expand the competitions purchased in the masterclasses, giving practical and representative examples of the fundamental concepts that collect in each subject.
Presentation Each student will choose, to the start of the course, a subject of which suggest , or another if it is of interest for him, but always related with the program of the Environmental Chemical matter, and will realise a diagram and synthesis of the work to be exposed in a maximum time of 10 min, in which it will include a practical example extracted of one or several scientific articles. The aims to cover are: introduction and/or practical in the bibliographic research, preparation and presentation of the scientific work, comparison of results between different technical, evaluation of the environmental impact, etc... Previous to the exhibition, the student/to will deliver, in a dossier with his name and title of the exhibition, a copy of all the articles consulted and of the presentation of the same. The assistance to the exhibitions is compulsory and any of the questions formulated during his development can fall in the examinations
Scientific events They include other less conventional activities inside the program of the matter, like the assistance to conferences, webinars of the ACS, "workshops" or congresses that celebrate in the own University, what will allow to the student expand his horizons and begin to go in in contact with other realities further of the faculty, obtaining information at first hand through representatives of companies, of professors of other universities -and, even, of other countries - that will orient them on other opportunities and will promote the mobility of these students. Of this form, pretends transmit to the student the multiple possibilities that can him present in the future, showing him a fan of labour possibilities. These events are subject to the programmings extra-academic of the different centres in the own University, but in any moment overlap with activities programmed previously and, in his case, would look for other alternatives.
Workshops They would form part of the seminars in which the students will have to resolve by himself same, under the supervision of the professor but with a greater autonomy, real practical suppositions of chemical processes, detection of possible pollutants in which they derive, the environmental impact that produce and design strategies for his control
Lecturing The masterclasses (55 min) pretend to give a global and real vision of the chemical processes that produce in the environment, the interaction between the different compartmentalized means, the pollutants present and those that generate , the most appropriate methodology for his analysis and his environmental control. Each one of the subjects will go documented with scientific articles, whose contents will serve to settle and expand the knowledges purchased in the theoretical classes, and of representative examples of the fundamental concepts that collect each subject. The methodology education-learning will be centred in the student, by what the classes will be headed to motivate a high participation by part of these in the classroom. The platform *Tem@ will be the resource that allow to the student the communication with the professor and his mates, through a virtual application, at the same time to be the source of information of immediate access for them. In her they will be able to find the basic information and documentation on the matter that gives , the diary of activities, the exercises to realise and the qualifications.
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