Guia docente 2019_20
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical chemistry III
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Phenomena of transport (*)Kinetical theory of the gases. Phenomena of transport no electrical. Phenomena of electrical transport: conductivity
(*)Phenomena of surface (*)Superficial tension. Structure of the solid surfaces. Adsorption on solid surfaces. *Fisisorción And *quimisorción: models. The *interfase energised.
(*)Kinetical formal (*)Speed of reaction and equations of speed. Analysis of data. Kinetical analysis of complex reactions. Mechanisms. Influence of the temperature in the speed of reaction.
(*)Experimental methods in Kinetical Chemical (*)Transformation of the equations of speed. Conventional technicians. Experimental technicians for the study of fast reactions.
(*)Theoretical interpretation of the speed of reaction. (*)Theory of collisions for reactions *bimoleculares. Theory of the state of transition.
(*)Macromolecules. (*)Structure of the macromolecules. Structural models. Characterisation of macromolecules.
(*)Colloids. (*)Classification of the systems *coloidales. Synthesis and characterisation of colloids. Stability of systems *coloidales.
(*)*Catálisis. (*)General mechanism of the *catálisis. *Catálisis *homogénea. *Catálisis Heterogeneous.
(*)Kinetical *electródica. (*)Stages of a process *electródico. *Sobrepotenciales. *Sobrepotencial Of transfer of load. *Sobrepotencial Of diffusion. *Sobrepotenciales Of reaction and crystallisation. Experimental technicians.
(*)Practical. (*)Experiences of Kinetical Chemical including *Catálisi, Phenomena of Transport, Electrochemical Macromolecules and Colloids.
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