Guia docente 2019_20
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Structural Determination
Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1. Obtaining general data of a chemical compound. Combustion Analysis: empirical formula.
Qualitative analysis.
Optical Properties.
Chapter 2. Structural determination of crystalline samples. Applications and limitations of the difractometric techniques in structural determination.
Three-dimensional determination of the molecular structure.
Defects and disorders in crystalline solids.
Chapter 3. Electronic and photoelectronic spectroscopy. Determination of the chromophore groups.
Effect of conjugation.
Study of the valence shell MOs.
Chapter 4. Vibrational Spectroscopy. Determination of the presence of characteristic functional groups.
Other applications in structural determination.
Chapter 5. Mass Spectrometry. Determination of the molecular mass.
Ionisation techniques.
Detection methods.
Fragmentation reactions.
Isotopic patterns.
Interpretation of the mass spectra.
Chapter 6. NMR Spectroscopy. Monodimensional experiments of 1H and 13C
Structural information from the chemical shift.
Two-dimensional experiments.
Homo- and Heteronuclear Correlation spectroscopy.
Noe experiments
Heteronuclear NMR
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