Guia docente 2019_20
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
University Master?s Degree in International Trade
  New ICTs in E-commerce
Topic Sub-topic
1. Overview of ICT and Internet in e-commerce. ICT in e-commerce. The use of the Internet in commercial activity.
2. E-business models supported by ICT. ICT-based e-business models. Types of business models based on the Internet and the intensive use of ICT.
3. The Web in the e-commerce: design, marketing and positioning in the Net. Possibilities of the Web in the e-commerce.
E-marketing. Technical aspects.
4. Internet based tools in e-marketing. Analysis tools. Analysis of the digital reputation. Traffic analysis and monitoring.
5. Web 2.0 in e-commerce. Tools and services. Digital image and e-reputation. The Web 2.0 paradigm. Influence on e-commerce. Tools and techniques.
6. ICT in B2B commerce. E-marketplaces and virtual business communities. E-logistics. B2B Spaces. E-marketplaces. Influence of ICT in e-logistics.
7. e-banking. Fundamentals and services for e-commerce. Introduction to e-banking. Services. Applications. Technical aspects.
8. Electronic transactions. Online payment . Security in transactions. Types of electronic transactions. Types of online payment . Transaction security.
9. Data protection in e-commerce. Technical and legal aspects. Introduction to data protection and its technical aspects.
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