Guia docente 2019_20
E. U. de Estudos Empresariais
University Master?s Degree in International Trade
  International Business Management and World?s Markets
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Assistance, attitude, participation in the classes. 5 C3
Seminars Assistance, attitude, participation in the seminars. 5 C3
Workshops Result of the activity developed in the workshop. 10 C3
Problem and/or exercise solving Proof on understanding, knowledge and application of concepts. 30 C3
Objective questions exam Proof of question type test to check the follow-up. 35 C3
Essay Realisation of a work tied to the internationalisation of the company. 15 C3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Students Classroom Version |

The students that take part in the continuous evaluation and do not fulfil the qualifications that allow him/her achieve 50% will have to acudir to the extraordinary announcement.

Those students that do not fulfil a minimum assistance of 70% will have to take parte of the final examination, with a specific proof of evaluation.

Students Version No Presencial|

Where figure tests on
understanding, knowledge and application of concepts, are assessments
that will correspond to Practical Cases.

The tests have the same assessment.

The rest of evaluation will correspond to forums or other activities posed from the coordinator of the subject.

To surpass the subject students will have to deliver all the activities posed. In contrary case it will appear a not presented (if it does not deliver 20% of activities) or suspensed (if the studend deliver more than the 20% of entregables). In the space of teledocencia will have additional information.

July evaluation

For the announcement of July, the students presenciales will have to present to the examination in the official date. For the students non presenciales will be necessary to deliver all the activities requested in the course like this like attending a proof that will be able to answer in Faitic.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000