Guia docente 2019_20
Facultade de CC. Económicas e Empresariais
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Business Management 2
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation Exhibition by part of the students in front of the educational and/or a group of students of a subject on contents of the matter or of the results of a work, exercise, project... Can carry out of individual way or in group. Proof no recoverable. 15 B1
Problem solving It evaluates the suitable capacity of the students to apply the theoretical and practical knowledges purchased, the exert inside a team of work, the autonomous work and the oral communication and written, among others. Only they will be able to deliver activities in the dates and sessions established. Proof no recoverable 15 B1
Objective questions exam Proof/*s for the evaluation of competitions purchased so much in the theoretical part like practice of the matter. It includes/*n enclosed questions with different alternative of answer (true/false, multiple election,...). The students select a/*s answer/*s between a number limited of possibilities. The erroneous answers penalise. Will be able to do partial proofs along the semester. It will form part of the content of the subject, and therefore, will be subject to evaluation, all reading, activity, case, audiovisual material, web page, work or comment made by the professors in the classroom, so much in hours of theory as of practice. 70 B13
Other comments on the Evaluation

To surpass the subject requires satisfy two conditions:(1) obtain a minimum punctuation of 5 points in the group of the proofs to evaluate and;(2) obtain like minimum 4,5 points in the final examination (marked on 10), to add the rest of the proofs; evaluables. The punctuation obtained by the participation as well as the realisation and delivery of all those tasks established by professor (cases, exercises, supposed, exhibitions, memories, …), keeps in the announcements of June and July of the course academic in force but will not save for successive courses. The student/to that it do not follow the continuous evaluation will have to indicate it before the realisation of the second session of practices and will be examined by means of a proof written valued on 10 points, that does not have why coincide with the proof of those students that follow the continuous evaluation. In said proof evaluates so much the theoretical contents like practical of the matter.
In the announcement end of career the examination will suppose 100% of the note. DECALOGUE OF BEST PRACTICES:1. Punctuality. It will not allow the access and exit to class once that the professor have gone in in the classroom. 2. It is not allowed to do use of mobile telephones, portable or similar computers during the sessions of work. These have to be desconectados. 3. It is not allowed to eat neither drink (except water) in class. 4. It is indispensable to assist to the sessions of classroom with the necessary material (such as manual, aim, billed of practical, among others.) 5. The total or partial plagiarism in the activities delivered will comport the invalidation of the same. 6. It is indispensable to take care the grammar, editorial and spelling of the activities delivered. The incumplimiento of this  norm will comport the invalidation of the activities. For the realisation of the examinations only allows the use of elements of writing and calculator.  8. The student will have to present to the properly identified examination, with the D.N.I or passport, not being valid any another document.  9. All the examinations will have to be delivered to his ending and on no account will be taken out out of the classroom. 10. The review of examinations will take place only in the schedule and place established by the professor. In case of  incumplimiento of the previous norms, the professor will be able to adopt the measures that estimate timely inside he valid legislation. The dates of examinations will have to be consulted in the Web page of the Faculty:

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