Guia docente 2019_20
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Economics: Microeconomics
Topic Sub-topic
It SPLITS I.- INTRODUCTION. Subject 1. The basic principles of the economy Fear 2. Think like an economist: basic concepts.
It SPLITS II.- OFFER And DEMAND. Subject 3. The strengths of the market: the curve of offer and the curve of demand. Trips and balance.

Subject 4 The elasticity and his applications.

Subject 5. Welfare: Efficiency of the competitive balance. Excedente Of the consumer and of the producer.

Subject 6: The mechanism of competitive market and the economic politics: the public intervention. Control of prices and taxes: effects on the balance and on the welfare.
It SPLITS III.- FAILURES OF MARKET. Subject 7. Externalities and public goods.
It SPLITS V.- THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE COMPANY. Subject 9. The production: technology and performances of scale. The function of production.

Subject 10. The costs of production.

Subject 11. Maximization of profits and competitive offer.

Subject 12. The power of market. Monopoly and barriers to the entrance. Oligopoly and monopolistic competition.
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