Guia docente 2019_20
E. S. de Enxeñaría Informática
Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Computer Architecture II
Code Description
A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
B2 Ability to manage the project’s activities from the computing field in accordance with the acquired knowledge and training.
B4 Ability to define, assess and select hardware and software platforms for the development and execution of computing systems, services and applications, according to the acquired knowledge and training.
B5 Ability to conceive, develop and maintain computing systems, services and applications through use of software engineering methods as tools to ensure quality, according to the knowledge and training acquired.
B6 Ability to conceive and develop centralized or distributed computing systems and architectures, integrating hardware, software and networks, according to the knowledge and training acquired.
B7 Ability to learn, understand and apply the necessary legislation during professional practice as a Computer Science Engineer and to use the relevant binding specifications, regulations and norms.
C7 Ability to design, develop, choose and assess computer applications and systems to guarantee their reliability, safety and quality, according to ethical principles and existing legislation and regulations.
C11 Knowledge, administration and maintenance of computer systems, services and applications.
C15 Ability to know, understand and assess the structure and architecture of computers, as well as their basic components.
C19 Knowledge and application of the necessary tools for storing, processing and accessing information Systems, including web-based ones.
C25 Ability to develop, maintain and assess software systems and services that satisfy all the demands of users and work reliably and efficiently, are easy to develop and maintain, and meet the quality standards, applying the theories, principles, methods and practices of Software Engineering.
C26 Ability to assess clients’ needs and determine the software requirements to satisfy these needs, reconciling conflicting goals through attempts to reach acceptable compromises within the limits imposed by costs, available times, existing developed systems and organizations themselves.
C29 Ability to identify, assess and deal with associated risks that could potentially arise.
C30 Ability to design appropriate solutions in one or more domains of application by using methods of software engineering that include ethical, social, legal and economic issues.
C32 Ability to select, design, implement, integrate, assess, build, manage, exploit and maintain hardware, software and network technologies, within the appropriate costs and quality requirements.
C34 Ability to select, design, implement, integrate and manage networks and communications infrastructures in organizations.
C35 Ability to select, design, implement, integrate and manage information systems that meet the needs of organizations, once the costs and quality criteria have been identified.
D1 I1: Analysis, synthesis and assessment skills.
D3 I3: Oral and written communication skills in one’s native language.
D5 I5: Abstraction skills: ability to create and use models that reflect real situations.
D7 I7: Ability to search for, establish links and organize information coming from different sources and to integrate ideas, knowledge and skills.
D8 I8: Problem-resolution skills.
D9 I9: Ability to make decisions.
D10 I10: Ability to present arguments and justify one’s decisions and opinions in logical terms.
D11 P1: Ability to act independently.
D12 P2: Ability to work in situations where information is lacking and under pressure.
D13 P3: Ability to quickly fit into a group and to work efficiently in intradisciplinary teams and to cooperate in an interdisciplinary environment.
D15 P5: Interpersonal relations skills.
D16 S1: Critical-thinking skills.
D17 S2: Commitment to uphold ethical and democratic values.
D18 S3: Independent-learning skills.
D19 S4: Ability to adapt to new situations.
D20 S5: Creativity.
D21 S6: Leadership skills.
D22 S7: Ability to take the initiative and be determined.
D24 S9: Commitment to striving for quality and continuous improvement.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000