Educational guide 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Application Design with micro-controllers
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning The group of students will be asked to elaborate a report related to the project they have to carry out. The lecturer will also assess individually the student's work developed during the laboratory sessions. Competencies CE58 and CE59 are assessed. 30 C58
Short answer tests Exam to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the student after the first part of the subject. It is carried out in a classroom session. Competency CE58 is assessed. 25 C58
Short answer tests Exam to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the student related to the second part of the subject. Competency CE58 is assessed. 25 C58
Laboratory practice Laboratory exam. It is related to the lab sessions and carried out in the laboratory. The student has to deal with some real and/or simulated tasks and answer several questions. Competencies C58 and CE59 are assessed. 20 C58
Other comments on the Evaluation

A continuous assessment learning scheme will be offered to the students:

- Two partial exams will be held related to the theory (A sessions).

- The laboratory work will be assessed by means of an exam (B sessions).

- The student has to elaborate a report describing the project (C sessions).

The first partial exam will take place in the classroom . If the student passes this part, he/she is not required to retake it. In this case, after finishing the term, he/she has to take only the second partial exam. The date will be specified in the academic calendar.

Teachers will speak in spanish or galician language. Exams will be written in spanish.

In partial exams, a minimum score (5 out of 10) is required in order to get a pass.

The laboratory exam will take place at the laboratory during the last session.

In order to assess the project, the lecturer will consider the quality of the final report (60%), the work in the laboratory and the student’s behavior (40%).

To pass the subject, it is necessary that the mark of each one of the exams or the project are equal or greater than 5 over 10.

The final mark (FM) is calculated as the weighted average of the three individual marks. The formula will apply a weight of 50% to the theory mark (TM), a 20% to the laboratory mark (LM) and a 30 % to the project mark (PM):

FM = 0,5*TM + 0,2*LM + 0,3*PM  (1)

The mínimum passing score required in order to get a pass in the subject is 5. In case the students do not pass
any of the tasks of the subject, the final mark (FM2) will be:

FM2= Minimum{4.5, FM}

Being FM the mark applying (1).

When a student takes the first partial exam, it is considered that he/she choose the continuous assessment scheme and he/she will be assessed in June.

Second Oportunity:

The assessment policy in this call follows the same scheme, the students have to take both, theory and laboratory exams and present the monitored project.


Students who refuse the continuous assessment scheme will be assessed by means of a final exam to evaluate the theory. The exam will be the same for them as for the students who fail the first partial exam.

The assessment of the laboratory for these students will be carried out by means of a laboratory exam. The date will be fixed within the examination period. In this case, the final mark (FM) is calculated as the weighted average of the two individual marks. The formula will apply a weight of 50% to the theory mark (TM) and a 50% to the laboratory mark (LM):

FM = 0,5*TM + 0,5*LM  (2)

To pass the subject, it is necessary that the mark of each one of the exams are equal or greater than 5 over 10. The minimum
passing score required in order to get a pass in the subject is 5.

In case the students do not pass any of the tasks of the subject, the final mark (FM2) will be:

FM2= Minimum{4.5, FM}

Being FM the mark applying (2).


Students who refuse the continuous assessment scheme have to contact the lecturer at least two weeks before the exam date. It is necessary to organize the laboratory exams.

Second Oportunity:

The assessment policy in this call follows the same scheme.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000