Guia docente 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Engineering of Electronic Equipment
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving Deliverables, problems and exercises will be assess. 30 B1
Laboratory practices The deliverables of the proposed laboratory practices will be evaluated. 10 B2
Supervised work They will evaluate the contents (methodology of development, conclusions obtained, exhibition of results, capacity of work in team,
capacity of work in multidisciplinary team) in the work in collaboration with the company. Also will take into account the opinion of the tutor in the company. The other work in collaboration with AENOR will value
the quality of the work realised and the capacity of work in team.
For works in team the indivual note will be the same for all members of the team
40 B6
Presentation The results of the work carried out will be evaluated, as well as the student's ability to answer the questions asked. 20 B9
Other comments on the Evaluation
The schedule of the midterm/intermediate exams will be approved in the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of each academic semester.

Following the guidelines for the degree and agreements of the academic committee, the students can choose between continuous assessment oreventual assessment on the date set by the engineering school.

Students who choose the continuous assessment should inform the instructor during the first two weeks of class.

Continuous assessment involves:

a) The
students should do the problems and exercises and it will be delivered to the
teacher. Maximun rating 4 ponits (40% of the final grade). The students must
obtain a minimum of 2 points. These tasks are not recoverable later. 

b) The
students should do in group two jobs. One of them in collaboration with AENOR and
students of the Faculty of Philology and Translation, and another in collaboration,
with a company´s environment, to whose installations will go the students when it was necessary. Maximum rating 6 points (60% of the final
grade). The students must obtain a minimum of 3 points.

Students do not exceed any of the two minimum requirements, the rating will be the lower of the average grade of the two scores and 4.5 points.

Students working in groups will have the same grade.

The eventual assessment by the first call or second call or extraordinary call,

a) That the
students perform and deliver on exam day, the exercises and problems posed in
the subject, which is referred to in paragraph a) above. Maximum rating 4
points (40% of the final mark). The students must obtain a minimum of 2 points.

b)That the
students to take an exam with questions and problems 2h
corresponding to both the theoretical and laboratory. Maximum rating 6 points
(60% of the final grade). The students must obtain a minimum of 3 points.

Students in the eventual assessment do not exceed any of the two minimum requirements, the rating will be the lower of the average grade of the two scores and 4.5 points.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution

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