Guia docente 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Mathematics: Linear algebra
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving Continuous evaluation consists in four short tests to be given in the class hour and also on homework to be turned-in in class. The approximate planning will be the following:
Four one hour tests:
1. Exam of topic 1. Individual assessment.
2. Exam of topic 2 and 3. Individual assessment.
3. Exam of topic 4. Individual assessment.
4. Exam of topic 5. Individual assessment.
Each of these tests will have a weight of 10% in the final grade.
Homework will have a weight of 10% in the final grade.
The total weight of the continuous evaluation in the final grade will therefore be of 50%.
The planning of the different intermediate evaluation tests will be approved in an Academic Commission of Degree and it will be
available at the beginning of the semester.
50 B3
Essay questions exam A written two-hour exam of topics 1, 2, 4, and 5 at the end of the semester in date, time and venue determined in the official exams calendar of the School. Individual assessment. 50 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

First call:

Continuous assessment:

A student who chooses to be graded by continuous evaluation must do it in writing way in the manner and date indicated by the professors of the subject. In that case the final grade is calculated by the formula:

N = ( (E1 + E2 + E3 + E4) + P + 5 EF ) / 10

where E1, E2, E3 y E4 are the points, in a scale 0 to 10, obtained in the four test of the continuous evaluation, P represents the total points, in a scale 0 to 10, obtained in the homework and where EF represents the points, in a scale 0 to 10, obtained in the final exam. A passing grade is N greater or equal to 5. Before doing each test, the procedure and date of revising the grading of that test will be announced. After the test, the grades will be announced in a reasonable amout of time. If a student –for any circumstance– cannot attend a particular test on the date for which it is scheduled, he or she will miss that test and it will not be repeated.

The points obtained in the tests of continuous evaluation will be valid only for the academic year in which they are obtained.


The students who do not choose to be graded by continuous evaluation, will be graded by means of a final exam (which will not be necessarily the same as the one for the students who choosed continuous evaluation) of all the topics of the subject. This exam will be graded in a scale of 10 points and the passing grade cutoff will be 5. Individual assessment.

Second call:

The students who at the end of the semester do not obtain a passing grade will have the opprtunity of writing a second final exam on date, time and venue determined in the official exams calendar of the School. This exam will cover topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. On the day of this second final, the students who were graded by continuous evaluation may choose to be graded exclusively by the second final or to be graded taking into account the points obtained in their continuous evaluation by the same formula used earlier, that is:

NR = ( (E1 + E2 + E3 + E4) + P + 5 EFR ) / 10

where now EFR is the grade, in a scale 0 to 10, in the second final. Again, the passing grade cutoff will be 5.

The students who choose to be graded exclusively by the second final will write an exam (which will not be necessarily the same as the one for the students who made the opposite choice) covering topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which will be graded in a scale of 10 points and the passing grade cutoff will be 5. Individual assessment.

"No presentado":

A student will obtain a cualification of "No Presentado" in the first edition of the final grades if and only if that student did not choose the continuous evaluation and did not attend the final exam.

A student will obtain a cualification of "No Presentado" in the second edition of the final grades if and only if that student obtained "No Presentado" in the first editin and did not attend the second final.

Extraordinary call:

The students which attend the Extraordinary call will write an exam covering topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which will be graded in a scale of 10 points and the passing grade cutoff will be 5. Individual assessment.

Éthical Behavior:

It is expected a correct and ethical behavior of all students in all written tests and exams, which are meant to truly reflect the knowledge and abilities attained by each studen. Any unethical behavior detected in a particular test (such as copying or using prohibited material) will result in a grading of 0 in that test and the issue of the corresponding report for the School Director's Office.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000