Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Degree in Economics
  Economics: World economy
Subject Guide
Subject Economics: World economy Code V03G100V01202
Study programme
Degree in Economics
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Basic education 1st 2nd
Teaching language
Department Applied Economics
Simon Fernandez, Xavier
Simon Fernandez, Xavier
Web http://
General description We go to work hard to improve the level of understanding of the structure and operation of the world-wide economy. We will try to combine different pedagogical tools so that the cuatrimestre was interesting and profitable for all. The active participation of the students and students goes to be the central piece of this route that initiate. Ojalá World-wide economy answer to your expectations and ojalá arrive to June with the have to done and satisfied of the work made.

The professor goes you to accompany in this interesting route and goes you to facilitate the necessary tools for the understanding of the strengths *actuantes in the World-wide Economy.

Will have to put you work and enthusiasm for learning.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000