Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Degree in Economics
  History: Economic history
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the World Economic History Economic history and economic growth.
Periodificación and basic concepts in Economic History.
2. Economic History of Pre-industrial Europe The secular trend of the preindustrials economies.
Population, production and distribution of wealth.
Evolution of trade and manufacturing.
3. The Industrial Revolution (1760-1870) Modern economic growth and institutions.
The process of industrialisation: factors of production and innovations of the first Industrial Revolution.
Industrial revolution in United Kingdom (1760s-1830').
The diffusion of industrialization in the nineteenth century
4. International relations in the nineteenth century and the first wave of capitalist globalization (1870-1914) The international trade and the first wave of capitalist globalization (1870-1913).
International factor movements: capital and migration.
An international monetary system: the gold standard.
The Second Industrial Revolution
5. The international economy in the twentieth century Inter - War economy (1919-1939).
International economy in the golden age of capitalism (1950-1973).
The 1973-84 crisis and adjustment responses.
The modifications in the world economy from 1980': the second wave of globalization, the Third Techological Revolution, and the economic crises.

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