Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  International strategic management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Short answer tests One or more quizzes under the form of a test to evaluate the knowledge of the subject acquired by the student. These tests can include questions about both the knowledge acquired by studying the bibliographic references and that transferred during the theoretical lectures. The attendance to theoretical lectures is a requisite to be eligible for this assessment. A minimum grading of five points out of ten will be needed to calculate the weighted average marks with the practical marks. 70-80 B1
Essay A project made by a group of students will be required to evaluate the knowledge acquired during the course. To be eligible for this evaluation, the student should attend the practical seminars. A minimum grading of five points out of ten will be needed to calculate the weighted average marks with the theoretical marks.

10 B1
Short answer tests One or more quizzes, tests or short-response questions to grade the knowledge acquired during the practical seminars

Other comments on the Evaluation


This comments only apply to the
students that are in the English taught subject.

The exact weighs of each part will be given at the beginning of the course
within the FAITIC platform. The
Spanish system grading ranges from 0 to 10 points, being required a minimum of
5 points to obtain a pass mark.


There are two ways of evaluation: a
continuous evaluation and non-continuous evaluation.


*The continuous evaluation (Requires
the attendance to
both the theoretical
lectures and
practical seminars): In this case, the student may take an
early extra-official examination
of the theoretical part. To pass this, a
minimum mark of 5 out 10 is required in order to be eligible to calculate the
average mark with the practical mark. This exam’s weigh will be 80%. The rest of the 20% of
the final mark will be the
grading of the practical part of the
subject, which will consist of the project that is to be performed in a group
(10%) and the mark of a short examination of the practical contents lectured in
the seminars. A minimum of 5 out of 10 is required to average this mark with
the mark of the theoretical part. Both parts should be passed independently to
obtain a pass mark in the final grade. When the student that chose this
evaluation system fails, s/he can take any or both of the official calls for
examination to obtain the pass grading of the part(s) s/he failed in the
previous call. Thus, the student will retain the mark of the part (either the
theoretical or the practical part) s/he has passed in previous calls in both
official calls (named June and July calls). The failed parts are not valid for
calls in subsequent academic years.


evaluation: they can take any or both of the two official examinations (named,
June and July calls). This examination will consist of two parts. One part will
include questions about the theoretical part, and will weigh an 80% of the
final mark. The other part will include questions about the practical part, and
will weigh a 10% of the final mark. The other 10% remaining will be the mark of
the project that the student should develop individually (not within a group).
A minimum mark of 5 out of 10 is required in each of both parts (theoretical
and practical parts) in order to calculate the weighted average mark.


The official
dates of the two calls for the examination are posted in the website of the
Faculty of Economics and Business Management Sciences (campus Vigo). The
different weighs of each evaluation test published in this syllabus to assess
the same learning outcomes and competencies is owed to the need for adapting
the evaluation to the different combination of learning methods used in each
faculty (namely, the Faculty of Economics and Business Management Sciences in
the campus of Vigo, and the Faculty of Business Management Science and Tourism
in the campus of Ourense).

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000