Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de CC. Económicas e Empresariais
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Financial accounting 2
Topic Sub-topic
I.2.- Active financial. Concept and classification.
I.3.- Commercial credits and no commercial.
I.4.- Representative values of debt.
I.5.- Investments in instruments of heritage.
I.6.- *Reclasificación And drop of active financial.
I.7.- Deterioration of value of the active financial.
II. BASIC FUNDING: (I) NET HERITAGE: (1) PROPER FUNDS: (1.1) SOCIAL CAPITAL II.1.- The sources of funding in the company: Concept and classification.
II.2.- The Social Capital: Problematic countable derived of the foundation of the society.
II.3.- Contabilización Of the increases of capital: Causes and type.
II.4.- Contabilización Of the reductions of capital: Causes and type.
II.5.- Of the business on the proper actions.
III. BASIC FUNDING: (I) NET HERITAGE: (1) PROPER FUNDS: (1.2) RESERVATIONS III.1.- The autofinanciación: Concept and kinds.
III.2.- The result of the exercise and base of distribution.
III.3.- Order of prelación in the distribution of the gains.
III.4.- Remuneración Of the actions.
III.5.- The dotaciones to reservations. Problematic countable of the Reservations: Concept, kinds and operation
III.6.- Others take part.
III.7.- The negative result: The absorción of losses
III.8.- The pending results of application
IV.- FUNDING BASICA: (I) NET HERITAGE. (2) ADJUST BY CHANGE OF VALUE. SUBSIDIES, DONACIONES And BEQUEATHED RECEIVED IV.1. Problematic of the active financial available for the sale.
IV.2. Operations of coverage
IV.3.- Subsidies, donaciones and bequeathed received.
V.- *FINANCIACION *BASICA: (II) PASSIVE NO COMMON: (1) we LOAN And *EMPRESTITOS V.1.- Extraneous finance on a long-term basis: Concept and classes.
V.2.- Types of loans and *empréstitos.
V.3.- The *imputación annual of the financial expenses *plurianuales of the loans and *empréstitos.
V.4.- Problematic accountant of the loans and *empréstitos ordinary.
V.5.- Problematic accountant of the *empréstitos convertible.
V.6.- Problematic accountant of the *leasing or financial lease.
I SAW.2.- Problematic accountant of the provisions.
I SAW.3.- Provision by dismantlement, retreat or rehabilitation of the *inmovilizado.
I SAW.4.- Provision for other responsibilities.
VII.- ACTIVE NO COMMON, THE *INMOVILIZADO *TECNICO And THE INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATES. VII.1.- The fixed investments: Concept, classes and function in the company.
VII.2.- Problems *valorativos. *Inmovilizado Material and intangible
VII.3.- Investments real estates
VII.4.- Active no common kept for the sale
VII.5.- The depreciation of the *inmovilizado like component of the result of the economic unit.
VII.6.- Methods of *amortización: Practical and theorists.
VII.7.- Deterioration of value of active no common.
VIII.- ANNUAL ACCOUNTS VIII.1.- Juridical frame of the annual accounts
VIII.2.- The Balance
VIII.2.1.- Concept and representativeness of the Balance
VIII.2.2.- Applicable norms to the Balance of situation
VIII.2.3.- Content and structure of the Balance
VIII.3.- The account of losses and gains
VIII.3.1.- The expenses: Definition and recognition
VIII.3.2.- The income: Definition and recognition
VIII.3.3.- The distinct categories of the business results
VIII.3.4.- The tax on societies
VIII.4.- The state of changes in the net heritage
VIII.4.1.- The state of income and expenses recognised
VIII.4.2.- The total state of changes in the net heritage
VIII.5.- The state of flows of effective
VIII.6.- The memory
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